This site has been set up to provide a meeting place for Zimbabwean patriots and their friends and allies.
1) To exchange ideas and information of a military / business / national development nature.
2) To act as a networking forum for 'serious minded' Zimbabweans.
3) To source finances and resources from the many supporters of the new struggle for Zimbabwe's liberation who exist globally.
4) To provide a realistic, organised and well planned alternative to the failed 'FLOWER revolution', 'COLOUR revolution' / HUMAN RIGHTS activism template, that was organised to be used by many within Zimbabwe's present opposition; that has proven so ineffective for so long.
The rhetoric and idealism of peaceful non-violence in the face of genocide that supports massacre and justifies individual cowardice.
Let us be clear, the desire of all... is for peace and stability, but within the ZIMBABWE insurgency blog there is no room for any sort of air headed, well meaning liberal nonsense.
The peaceful activism template has supplanted realistic analysis and sound method..with false hope. Letting the police beat you or the soldiers shoot you until they see the light...
Worse still it denies the obvious need for any strategic or tactical thinking against a shrewd, extremely dangerous and experienced incumbency.
It has left far too many Zimbabweans defenceless, and afraid all because of the unrealistic myopic pursuit of the utopian ideal of 'peaceful democratic change'. Zimbabwe is not a social / political experiment.
Frederick Douglass said ....Those who profess to favor freedom and yet depreciate agitation, are people who want crops without ploughing the ground; they want rain without thunder and lightning; they want the ocean without the roar of its many waters. The struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, or it may be both. But it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. ... Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will.
No one wants conflict... but ...
John 2: 14
...tells us even Jesus had to take it to another level.
The regime within Zimbabwe has acted according to the core nature of all former guerrilla movements- turned governments- turned criminal mafia...Their might is not created in the exercise of power, but by the people having no will or power to establish effective deterence.
Had they chosen to do so (and they still can) regime members could at any time offer a peaceful way out of the mess; but instead a few known hardliners have thrown down the gaunlet...
That they will outsmart those who arent serious... That all Zimbabweans that WANT change can only get change by being honest, forceful and decisive and clever enough to achieve it.
This is the realisation now arrived at by many, that the present crisis is a danger to public life and liberty...that the methods and actors of the past have failed and that a new level of struggle is now needed to seek and establish a genuine positive change.
This blog will not be for the faint hearted but its existence is necessary.
The present crisis in Zimbabwe has lasted for 10 years...a long time by anyones standards.
(the earlier Ghukurahundi and other events not withstanding)
..Ideas...Contacts..Plans...Money..Resources..... NO TIME WASTERS please.
Thank You...
little man versus big machine
Monday, 21 April 2008
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Its good to have such ideas. hope pple come together and set up a plan than can be delivered asap so as to help save the nation. To me i always thought poison is the cheapest one can buy considering the affordability of the chemical.
Poison Poison & more Poison.
how long has this blog been about?
whats the aim of the website?
How serious to you take peoples opinions?
Are you easily offended by comments that do not go according to your objective?
Do you think you personally have something none has ever offered?
Choose on OK or TM supermarket?
Russia or China?
and finally what do your friends think about you? Ahh wagona, mdoda siyakubona....Brownsugar
Hello, thank you for your post...
The blog was an idea that should have been completed last year unfortunately people chose to wait for the election results of a process MANY knew was rigged.
Now the issue has been moved to a new level of crisis by the short sightedness and narrow minds of certain influential people in the two main political parties...They make things worse but its ordinary Zimbabweans suffering...The sad fact is that this is the exact same thing that has happened in previous years 2000...2002...2005 its a cycle created by the.. passive nature of MDC who will not defend themselves or fight and the aggressive nature of ZANU who dont mind killing. The mix of these mindsets of the two parties and the fact that each has people gaining from the continuation of the crisis... is fatal to the well being of the nation.
-The aim of the site is as stated to create networks and raise money and resources globally for a Zimbabwe stabilisation force...
-I take all opinions seriously as they make the world what it is.
-I am not easily offended by comments...I am offended by ideas that run contrary to objective common sense that lead to greater MDC saying they will let supporters be killed but wont fight back. Thus the blog has a NO TIME WASTERS tag.
-Something none has ever offered...Zimbabwe opposition needs fearless soldiers and serious backers...I am an individual ...I am unique and have certain skills but I am the product of ideas others created throughout history.
-OK or TM...(if honest I would choose neither I would want my own shop)but if you push me... TM...
-Russia or China???...( bad/evil as they are they are all about money and business...Russia also tried to sell ideology and thats even more dangerous...)
-My friends...its a love/hate/love/hate rollercoaster.
Launching an insurgency in Zimbabwe? How? If you base yourselves within Zimbabwe you'll be at the mercy of Mugabe's army. Who amongst our neighbours will let you use their terrtitory as a base and face the wrath of Mugabe's armed forces. The only country that could stand up to Zimbabwe militarily is South Africa and they won't let you. A guerrilla war in the bush could be protracted while Mugabe's army is relatively better equipped and has far superior numbers to what the Rhodesian Light Infantry was. If you're talking about covert operations aimed at bombing installations of strategic importance to them, then it could be done.
I just hope you are not a black african being put up to this by westerners my man. Cause you will do for a cause whose benefits you will never see. The west have always appreciated civil wars in africa. it allows them to then step in as "honest broker/piece maker/referee" and take advantage to make a killing. War weariness and shock only affects those who take up the fight. It never affects the white investor after the fact. As the Chinese proverb goes, "be careful what you wish for" cause it may come true cousin!
The Name Insurgency is very repulsive I just came here to see what you are up to. Please consider a name that beter represents what you seem to stand for
As the moderator of the blog I will now label all my posts as ANONYMOUS 2 to avoid any confusion.
Mystery Man
Thank you for the response...With regards to the issue of 'HOW' certain operations can be carried out...WHERE THERE IS A WILL THERE IS A WAY...The very idea of 'asymmetric warfare' is one that asks the question of how a smaller less well equipped force can offset the advantages of a larger better equipped force. This is not an insurmountable, or impossible task...This site is created so that such questions can be asked and such ideas can be exchanged and their credibility verified...The point is not to fear or to dismiss the very concept out of hand. As you stated properly planned, financed, resourced and executed ..."it could be done"
Thank you for your comment...My brother no one is seeking a quick death...and Africans that stand up for whats right are not Western/Eastern stooges.
As stated the regime can choose a peaceful exit...but dont make the mistake of confusing the victim with the aggressor...
The attacks have already begun and if we are being realistic Zimbabwe has been in a state of low intensity civil war for years...
All thats taken place is that one side ZANU has chosen aggression while the other side (the OPPOSITION) has let itself play the role of victim ...But letting our people die or become psychologically damaged through living in a state of insecurity and fear ...while we talk and talk and analyse and watch and still 'violence'.
To be 'anti-violence' is not a condition where you do nothing but cry by the rivers of Babylon and just let our people be attacked and killed and our nation destroyed it is a condition that says... WE CAN SOLVE ALL PROBLEMS RATIONALLY... I DONT WANT TO FIGHT BUT IF I MUST I WILL...
We ALL want peace however as shown in DARFUR...RWANDA...BURMA...TIBET... etc the methodology of the liberals and pacifists running the opposition have no deterent effect and thus dont work... Why cry to the INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY when it is divided and is full of vested interests and hypocrits.
This is the great game...and Zimbabwe is strategically important.
All parties sing the freedom song but not ALL have honest reasons some are either on the side of the East the West..but we here are simply seeking a stable and progressive Zimbabwe.
As far as the term INSURGENCY ...sorry but this is a site for people who arent put off by harsh realities...The project is indeed a progressive one based upon wrong doers respecting the ballot or dealing with people not scared of freeing our nation via the bullet.
I think the best way to go is by targeting the ZANU chefs personally. The weakest point of ZANU chefs is their kids. I call for elaborate plans of abduction of the children of either the top generals or Bob and demanding some action towards national political sanity in exchange for their release.
Ideally, kidnapping Bob's kids is the best. Getting more than one kid will be best so that you can kill one to show the seriousness of the matter.
Thank you for your comment regarding the targeting of the 'children' of ZANU chefs...Though I never dismiss a policy out of hand (and though many of these 'children' are adults) I would say that as soldiers seeking a new Zimbabwe honour in our combat matters more than anything else.
As such our targets should be other enemy combatants not civilians (no matter whose blood is in their viens).
As contradictory as it might seem...We are not THEM...we dont do dishonourable war against ANY of our civilian population.
The aim is the amicable or forceful removal of the current dysfunctional regime, and the current battle space offers a target rich environment...
As guerrillas the rules of engagement must be clear and comprehensive.
Only the ones that directly order and reap the biggest gains from our nations continued suffering...and those determined to protect them should be considered....If bodies like the Mossad, FSB and CIA can target specific terrorist leaders...why cant we be just as professional in our dealings?
Mossad, CIA, professional!? What are you talking about now? You want to fight clean with an opponent fighting dirty? That's the same ill we're accusing the MDC of, isn't it? In your own words, this is not for the faint-hearted. How will you hit Bob with a rocket-propelled grenade with all that security around him? Get Grace Mugabe, gang-rape her and shoot her in the stomach to die like the dog she is. Then treat Bona the same and see if Bob remains the same muchindarume he wants helpless civilians to believe he is! Look at how they're already killing innocent people. You think if soldiers see your pretty sister during these violent acts, they won't ravage her?
There is nothing innocent about the children of ZANU PF people. They're snakes too! Kill them wherever you see them. Need lessons for stabbing a person to death? Get the nearest ZANU PF ministers' kid and stab to death with glee!!!!!
Thank you for your post...The essence of the point is that nothing will be achieved without proper consideration for the act and its consequences...As I plan can be dismissed...but all plans will be looked at and tested for effectiveness and credibility...The security agencies mentioned are professional in that they operate policies such as 'manhunting' which are target specific...and based on causing the most damage to the command centre of their opponents...thus they go for the head of the snake before looking to damage the body.
The idea of not fighting dirty was never the issue...neither was faint heartedness...We are not MDC in that we dont make a fetish out of pacifism ...however never forget we are soldiers doing a specific...job not butchers seeking to punnish 'enemies' who are still our countrymen...
To win this all levels and methods should be considered... but only those methods that give the greatest benefit and cause the least collateral damage, or dont offer a rallying point to the opponent should be used.
People believe in the targetting of these chefs families because they think the method will work...I dont think it will, but who said you cant try that road if you are so certain of it?
I merely caution that in war that which on the surface seems like the easiest route often isnt...
Personally I believe that its a tool BUT only as a desperate last resort...
There are better the box.
You asked how does one penetrate a security screen...the answer is that you learn its routines and create mechanisms and plans to penetrate its weaknesses.
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