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Operation Mavoterapapi (how did you vote)

Operation Mavoterapapi (how did you vote)
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Tuesday, 22 April 2008

The sad State of Denial (aka Zimbabwe)

Its sad and funny...the way things have gone how can we heal when people can't acknowledge the simplest and very obvious facts or when truth is wrapped up in self interest and expediency.

That Zimbabwe is in need of change is obvious...that the regime is unfit to govern and that gross mismanagement exists is obvious. That ZDERA needs scrapping and that the present British Government did not honour the previous Conservative administrations promises regarding the land issue is obvious too.

We have been told lie after lie...when what we deserved was the honest truth. The deniers on both sides uniting amongst themselves in the name of their self interests and polarising us as Zimbabweans.

WE who are non partisan cannot be part of any grand denial project... that will do anything to get into power... or do anything to stay in both sets of wrong thinking will destroy the country.

It is ironic that the persons who are the leadership of the two most visible political parties cannot see the challenge to make Zimbabwe a viable player on the world stage....

Why must ZANU kill innocent people merely for using the very right of... ONE PERSON ONE VOTE ...that they say was the cause of the Liberation War???

What kind of opposition comes in the name of non-violence and human rights activism yet uses the wholsale suffering of fellow human beings and the uncaring INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY seeing that suffering as its main strategy to gaining power?

Zimbabwe's problems are as far from resolution as the minds addressing those problems.

The values of the liberation struggle that cost so much life were for peace and prosperity and a decent future for Zimbabwe, not so some unfairly privileged people in 2008 could steal the sense of power the common man or woman has to choose or change the Executive.

Just as those people who do not want to lose their privilege that they got unjustly and now sustain through violence, so their poor victims dont want to lose their lives.

Let us have truth in this matter and stop the partisan states of denial. No just revolution is being protected via setting up torture camps and killing innocent people.

However Zimbabwe's misery is also sustained through the donor fund gravey train and never ending talking shops created by 'opponents' of the regime who gain benefit and status from the crisis...

The empty discourses that vomit all day about protecting the gains of the liberation War... or democracy and human rights, yet dont actually do anything to support real progressive change dont help our country.

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