In the book 'The Art of War' the Strategist and author Sun Tzu writes... "Now the general who wins a battle makes many calculations in his temple ere the battle is fought. The general who loses a battle makes but few calculations beforehand. Thus do many calculations lead to victory, and few calculations to defeat: how much more no calculation at all! It is by attention to this point that I can foresee who is likely to win or lose..."
One such calculation was that it is vital and important for success to 'KNOW YOUR ENEMY'...
The greatest failing of the forces and powers behind the COLOUR REVOLUTION (policy of regime change) in Zimbabwe is their wholesale contempt for and total underestimation of the OPFOR regime.
Losses thus far suffered are a direct result of a form of paternalistic arrogance that leads directly to the present state of strategic blindness and tactical incompetence that characterizes much of the opposition leaderships dealings with the OPFOR at the expense of the ordinary people .
As much as theZIMBABWEinsurgency may dislike the corrupt nature of the OPFOR regime to the point of seeking genuine change or accepting death as the price of failure; as we seek a new progressive Zimbabwe.
We give all due respect the OPFOR establishment machine (economic, political, social, security) as worthy and skillful opponents and constantly seek to understand the capitalist and Maoist guerrilla traditions that underpin their actions.
Thus we are at all times fully aware of the dangerous nature of the OPFOR and the various inputs and levels of their supporters and allies.
The African Continent has experienced substantial conflict related to the legitimacy of political communities.
Pressures from within (issues of wealth distribution, ethno-cultural distribution...) often exacerbated by outside influences create conditions where questions regarding legitimacy are raised.
Discord over the control and make up of the political / economic system can result when the ideals of pluralism become supplanted by the reality of autocracy.
Within the Autocratic system, the decision making process is centered upon satisfying the interests of a small group; individuals or groups feel they have an exclusive right to 'rule'. Government is marked by limited institutional development. Government becomes self serving, impersonal and bureaucratic.
The leaders use a complex network involving the media, the educational system, state organized social / political groups to carry out their control ambitions.
The political structure evolves into a closed hierachy with a president, military officer or similar figure at the top.
The leader functions as a patron who dispenses favours to sections of the military and bureaucracy in return for their support.
While the state may control or even own more economic enterprises, a good deal of regulated private activity is permitted.
Groups meant to be neutral such as the military, judiciary etc. provide support for the regime and in return some sections gain socioeconomic status and privilege.
Local leaders are left to control affairs at the lowest levels while an elite governs at the national level of policy making, building centralized State power is the highest value of the system.
The vanguard party claims to represent 'the people'; the while general public is expected to be either apathetic or loyal.
Within such a complex situation it does not pay to be partisan or blind to the whole picture. Several OPFOR policies and arguments have some merit, the issue is the destructive nature of their application and the inability of the OPFOR regime to allow GENUINE political RENEWAL in any form which is the truest entitlement of any 'free' country.
The illegitimate nature of the OPFOR regime, stems from the fact that their behaviour is inconsistent with their stated rhetoric and the universal values associated with national liberation struggles. As stated the OPFOR regime has become ineffective and repressive.
Thus the system needs a process of whole scale renewal changing the culture from the root upwards, not merely the dictatorial figureheads at the top.
The analyst must depict things as they are in an unbiased way, regardless of feelings, or hopes, or misgivings. Address the real issues and come to terms with the counterproductive aspects of not owning fears and prejudices.
It was folly to ever believe that a proper assessment of the OPFOR regime, its make up (internal and external networks), security and psychology was unnecessary; that all that was needed was the application of the usual pattern of COLOUR REVOLUTION template, the orchestrated economic chaos, the hired opposition, using ordinary people as cannon fodder, the casting of the OPFOR in the role of global villain and bombarding the world with anti OPFOR and pro-OPPOSITION propaganda, HOPING THAT NO DEEPER ANALYSIS WOULD BE DONE REGARDING THE NEO-LIBERAL CHANGE AGENDA.
The failure to see the fundamental point of KNOWING YOUR ENEMY as important, meant that the question was never asked.... 'what kind of opponent are we dealing with in relation to the OPFOR regime and what of its allies'... When seeking to understand an insurgency, even if it takes the form of a dictatorship, it is essential to ascertain first what types of insurgents one is dealing with through careful examination of their true and stated goals, and the means they are using to attain those goals...This does not merely have an academic importance and value, but vital practical implications in relation to the success or failure of the change project.
Once the type of insurgency and forms of warfare have been identified, the next step is to address the variousstrategic and tactical approaches that the insurgents adopt to maximize their effectiveness in their quest for 'victory'.
The strategies vary as to the relative importance of six variables: environment, popular support, organizaton, unity,external support, and the responses of any opposition.
What is important here is the truth, the corruption that started this whole mess began when the very first official lies were sanctioned and faulty methods were allowed to pass having never being subjected to any honest criticism.
Indeed POLITICS IS A DIRTY GAME, however only along a path of honesty can Zimbabweans gain the salvation of the country, sadly many people get it wrong because they insist on confusing a political creature who survives via pure calculation the name of retaining power...with normal human beings who exist using rationality, forgetting that power carries with it an addictive quality that forgoes all rationale.
Analyzing the OPFOR
An accurate assessment of the OPFOR can be made by viewing it as it sees itself, that is as a Nationalist guerrilla movement now fighting a new liberation war. Against outside powers and their satellites.
Within the counter insurgency framework the regime falls into the Third and seventh type of insurgent movement categories 'TRADITIONALIST' and 'PRESERVATIONIST'. (Insurgency & Terrorism)
*(note the analysis here is flexible and can be added to)
Traditionalist insurgents seek to displace the political system, but the values they articulate are primordial....rooted in ancestral ties. The political structures they seek to establish are characterized by limited or guided participation and low autonomy, with political power in the hands of an autocratic leader supported by the upper class, some clergy and the army.
While the majority of the population may enjoy some autonomy at the local level, widespread participation in national politics, especially by organized opposition groups, is discouraged. Within the catagory of traditionalist insurgents one also finds some groups seeking to reestablish an ancient political system that they idealize as a golden age. Leaders are not 'facilitators' but become more akin to 'political kings'.
Insurgents in this category differ from all the others because they are essentially orientated toward maintaining the status quo because of the relative political, economic and social privileges they derive from it. PRESERVATIONIST INSURGENTS seek to maintain the existing political system and policies by engaging in illegal acts of violence against non-ruling groups and all others who are trying to effect change.
Right-wing death squads / gangs which are not officially sanctioned by yet have ties to the ruling political authorities fall under this category. Those connected with the authorities are considered state-sponsored terrorists rather than insurgents.
little man versus big machine
Wednesday, 30 April 2008
Saturday, 26 April 2008
GETTING REAL CHANGE..........Putting Our Best Brains Forward and Boots On The Ground...
A lot has happened in the past few days, the ‘An Yue Jiang’ weapons shipment incident.... the violent assaults and torture go on unchecked...the continued results delay.
Through it all I have wondered long and hard as to why the OPFOR regime has been allowed to run away with the initiative time, after time, after time.
The issue is a simple one, an election has been stolen, the OPFOR regime does not wish to concede and the people are under attack. Yet the response to this internally and externally has been abysmal.
Once again innocent people who risked much to put faith in the democratic process and in the 'need for change' political project are being exposed to an OPFOR backlash, (think Ghukurahundi and Operation Murambatsvina combined, this time called Operation Makavohterapapi - where did you put your X), yet what has been the response from the so called forces of good...?
This article is about the facade, the pretences that have stalled our path to gain real change.
The trouble with the issue of Zimbabwe's freedom is that methods and mindsets that do not work are still used without question.
Why do some seem to seek a change with minds cocooned and wrapped in falsehood.
The pains involved in the birth a nation are many, the whole excersise is a challenge to our concept of values and our concept of nationhood.
Consider for a moment the defenceless people being attacked in this time, what sacrifices will have to be made if Zimbabwe is to ever really find normalcy as a nation.
Watching in the media over the past few weeks I noticed that there have been many protests by different people all over the world; people rioting and demonstrating about various issues.
Some might fear such things but look at it more closely; people who have a grasp of their rights who have standards of what they wont tolerate were exercising their human right not to be taken for granted by their Executives.
Yet our own reaction in our own crisis is a form of spineless pacifism founded upon a false morality,that enables an abusive regime to be even more abusive. Some justify this as honest principle but it has lead to nothing but national apathy and displacement.
Encouraged by utopian liberal agendas Zimbabweans cry for help. We cry instead of organising properly, we fear our anger instead of using it as a line that no Government would be stupid enough to cross. We have been lead to this, to cry for help from a world that has its own interests and problems...
When I take a good look at this struggle, I see that Zimbabweans are not really in charge, outside forces set the protest agenda by pulling the social / political / monetary strings.
I remember a conversation with a member of the NGO/civil action/ charity bandwagon (those well meaning enablers of continued tyranny who have hitched their cart to the Zimbabwe issue), where I was told Zimbabweans could not rise up because we are so peace loving and helpless and defenceless.
Reviewing this talk I realised that the person failed to realise that the process of empowering people did not involve viewing them as eternal victims. Our freedom will never come via giving people all ways and means to run away from confronting the problem. For 10 years we Zimbabweans have externalised so much of our power and responsibility, whilst dreaming about and witnessing the kind of power that other people and nations have.
We see the facts and have the 'agency', but our sense of needing to organise properly, or act decisively has been undermined by a method of struggle imposed upon us from outside, a method that doesnt work against violent dictatorship.
The OPFOR bands together as a unit because they see all that they have to lose if change takes place. The OPFOR organises its members in country in a military way and kills as a means of survival.
The opposition in its many shades and colours has failed to band together in an effective way because within it are a great many, small ambitions and hidden agendas that interfere with the objective of seeking the long term greater good of the nation.
The opposition strategy shuns self defence thus its members are killed and its leaders cry louder and gain more sympathy from outside supporters. Yet that support dose not translate into any form of protection for opposition members on the ground.
The fact that the same repression was seen in 2000...2002...2005 and is repeating itself in 2008; shows a lack real depth of foresight, care and planning on the part of the opposition leadership and the rest of us who say we care about our nation’s future...and this is shocking.
Evidence of what was going to take place was there for all to see.
The events of the past eight years were there to be studied, yet no one was prepared when the obvious occurred.
Excuses and entrenched justifications for yet another grave error of judgement that could have been seen with simple honest analysis are becoming the norm.
Real students of the art of politics and power see the difference in the priorities and outlook and planning between the OPFOR and the OPPOSITION, they see who always has the initiative in the game and who is always lagging behind without a PLAN B.
Locked in states of denial more rhetoric and more slogans will make up for poor planning and wrong analysis... "We want our freedom; we want a new day in Zimbabwe..."
Yet to gain those things we cannot use the same failed mindsets and methods or live by the same quiet diplomacy dogmas of the past.
The selfishness, the ineffective general ship, the excuses and justifications for continued failure that are thrown up without any attempt at critical thinking whatsoever.
In short if we want freedom we must be genuine in our quest to get it and fully active; taking all the necessary steps that are in accordance with the truism that real freedom is only gained through struggle... it is never just given.
An editorial in The Zimbabwean newspaper on the 24 April states MDC supporters in Masvingo and Mashonaland East provinces organised themselves into local defence units to fight back against violence and intimidation by war veterans, military personnel and Zanu (PF) militia.
The article goes on to state that there were fierce battles in the village of Makaha in Mutoko/Mudzi, Mashonaland East as MDC supporters repelled an attack by OPFOR REGIME soldiers and militias.
The worry here is that the acts of self defence mentioned were not part of some well prepared strategy or plan; they were spontaneous outbursts born of rage, fear and frustration.
Disorganised the opposition leadership will of course try and claim some credit for the acts of defiance, but their lack of readiness and lack of genuine national authority is clear.
The blunders, megaphone dipomacy and half hearted therapeutic efforts of these ambitious party politicians (that vocal few oft seen in the media), who on closer inspection turn out to be little more than the proxies of larger hidden powers, are not good enough. One wonders what they would do to oppose the OPFOR regime without the support of the neo-liberal press.
A clear analysis of this whole process indicates that this crisis will only be solved once the scope of reference has been expanded beyond the narrow WINNER TAKES ALL party political arena.
Can it really be said that Zimbabwe's best brains are involved in solving the problem?
The truth is that the incumbency has refused to do the decent thing; some sanity might prevail in the weeks to come, but until it does a better more organised framework of opposition is needed, one with nationwide reach and nationwide influence. A way forward fully supported by an aware and involved Zimbabwean Diaspora honestly centred on the national interests of Zimbabwe and Zimbabweans.
I often think of all the talking being done, the amount of words expended over 10 years.
For all the hot air coming out of certain mouths, these people and governments aren't doing very much. On the ground it is Zimbabwean cadres in the rural areas fighting back.
None of the big Western powers making the most noise will send troops to stop the attacks on those poor innocent people. The more noise and pressure they place upon African states to oppose an incumbency many owe a great deal to, the more they push a failed 'colour revolution' template, the more they misunderstand the dynamics of that region and the more resentment they breed.
Why are they making it look like an issue of pressure and imposition from the outside, when a far better approach can be used?
For all their rhetoric and noise and anti OPFOR sabre rattling and their lavish donations to those certain political parties and civic groups that do their bidding, what will they do? The International Community has done nothing for 10 years, when what was required before was a no-nonsense approach.
What is required now is direct intervention to halt these attacks and were they really that concerned that would already have happened.
In the end as demonstrated on April 24th, the ending of this tyranny in Zimbabwe will depend upon brave Zimbabweans being the boots on the ground and acting as the deterrence against the OPFOR regime bullies so that the violence will stop and good sense might prevail.
Zimbabweans who would be free must act.
Zimbabweans who would be free must organise properly and where its required strike the necessary blows.
Through it all I have wondered long and hard as to why the OPFOR regime has been allowed to run away with the initiative time, after time, after time.
The issue is a simple one, an election has been stolen, the OPFOR regime does not wish to concede and the people are under attack. Yet the response to this internally and externally has been abysmal.
Once again innocent people who risked much to put faith in the democratic process and in the 'need for change' political project are being exposed to an OPFOR backlash, (think Ghukurahundi and Operation Murambatsvina combined, this time called Operation Makavohterapapi - where did you put your X), yet what has been the response from the so called forces of good...?
This article is about the facade, the pretences that have stalled our path to gain real change.
The trouble with the issue of Zimbabwe's freedom is that methods and mindsets that do not work are still used without question.
Why do some seem to seek a change with minds cocooned and wrapped in falsehood.
The pains involved in the birth a nation are many, the whole excersise is a challenge to our concept of values and our concept of nationhood.
Consider for a moment the defenceless people being attacked in this time, what sacrifices will have to be made if Zimbabwe is to ever really find normalcy as a nation.
Watching in the media over the past few weeks I noticed that there have been many protests by different people all over the world; people rioting and demonstrating about various issues.
Some might fear such things but look at it more closely; people who have a grasp of their rights who have standards of what they wont tolerate were exercising their human right not to be taken for granted by their Executives.
Yet our own reaction in our own crisis is a form of spineless pacifism founded upon a false morality,that enables an abusive regime to be even more abusive. Some justify this as honest principle but it has lead to nothing but national apathy and displacement.
Encouraged by utopian liberal agendas Zimbabweans cry for help. We cry instead of organising properly, we fear our anger instead of using it as a line that no Government would be stupid enough to cross. We have been lead to this, to cry for help from a world that has its own interests and problems...
When I take a good look at this struggle, I see that Zimbabweans are not really in charge, outside forces set the protest agenda by pulling the social / political / monetary strings.
I remember a conversation with a member of the NGO/civil action/ charity bandwagon (those well meaning enablers of continued tyranny who have hitched their cart to the Zimbabwe issue), where I was told Zimbabweans could not rise up because we are so peace loving and helpless and defenceless.
Reviewing this talk I realised that the person failed to realise that the process of empowering people did not involve viewing them as eternal victims. Our freedom will never come via giving people all ways and means to run away from confronting the problem. For 10 years we Zimbabweans have externalised so much of our power and responsibility, whilst dreaming about and witnessing the kind of power that other people and nations have.
We see the facts and have the 'agency', but our sense of needing to organise properly, or act decisively has been undermined by a method of struggle imposed upon us from outside, a method that doesnt work against violent dictatorship.
The OPFOR bands together as a unit because they see all that they have to lose if change takes place. The OPFOR organises its members in country in a military way and kills as a means of survival.
The opposition in its many shades and colours has failed to band together in an effective way because within it are a great many, small ambitions and hidden agendas that interfere with the objective of seeking the long term greater good of the nation.
The opposition strategy shuns self defence thus its members are killed and its leaders cry louder and gain more sympathy from outside supporters. Yet that support dose not translate into any form of protection for opposition members on the ground.
The fact that the same repression was seen in 2000...2002...2005 and is repeating itself in 2008; shows a lack real depth of foresight, care and planning on the part of the opposition leadership and the rest of us who say we care about our nation’s future...and this is shocking.
Evidence of what was going to take place was there for all to see.
The events of the past eight years were there to be studied, yet no one was prepared when the obvious occurred.
Excuses and entrenched justifications for yet another grave error of judgement that could have been seen with simple honest analysis are becoming the norm.
Real students of the art of politics and power see the difference in the priorities and outlook and planning between the OPFOR and the OPPOSITION, they see who always has the initiative in the game and who is always lagging behind without a PLAN B.
Locked in states of denial more rhetoric and more slogans will make up for poor planning and wrong analysis... "We want our freedom; we want a new day in Zimbabwe..."
Yet to gain those things we cannot use the same failed mindsets and methods or live by the same quiet diplomacy dogmas of the past.
The selfishness, the ineffective general ship, the excuses and justifications for continued failure that are thrown up without any attempt at critical thinking whatsoever.
In short if we want freedom we must be genuine in our quest to get it and fully active; taking all the necessary steps that are in accordance with the truism that real freedom is only gained through struggle... it is never just given.
An editorial in The Zimbabwean newspaper on the 24 April states MDC supporters in Masvingo and Mashonaland East provinces organised themselves into local defence units to fight back against violence and intimidation by war veterans, military personnel and Zanu (PF) militia.
The article goes on to state that there were fierce battles in the village of Makaha in Mutoko/Mudzi, Mashonaland East as MDC supporters repelled an attack by OPFOR REGIME soldiers and militias.
The worry here is that the acts of self defence mentioned were not part of some well prepared strategy or plan; they were spontaneous outbursts born of rage, fear and frustration.
Disorganised the opposition leadership will of course try and claim some credit for the acts of defiance, but their lack of readiness and lack of genuine national authority is clear.
The blunders, megaphone dipomacy and half hearted therapeutic efforts of these ambitious party politicians (that vocal few oft seen in the media), who on closer inspection turn out to be little more than the proxies of larger hidden powers, are not good enough. One wonders what they would do to oppose the OPFOR regime without the support of the neo-liberal press.
A clear analysis of this whole process indicates that this crisis will only be solved once the scope of reference has been expanded beyond the narrow WINNER TAKES ALL party political arena.
Can it really be said that Zimbabwe's best brains are involved in solving the problem?
The truth is that the incumbency has refused to do the decent thing; some sanity might prevail in the weeks to come, but until it does a better more organised framework of opposition is needed, one with nationwide reach and nationwide influence. A way forward fully supported by an aware and involved Zimbabwean Diaspora honestly centred on the national interests of Zimbabwe and Zimbabweans.
I often think of all the talking being done, the amount of words expended over 10 years.
For all the hot air coming out of certain mouths, these people and governments aren't doing very much. On the ground it is Zimbabwean cadres in the rural areas fighting back.
None of the big Western powers making the most noise will send troops to stop the attacks on those poor innocent people. The more noise and pressure they place upon African states to oppose an incumbency many owe a great deal to, the more they push a failed 'colour revolution' template, the more they misunderstand the dynamics of that region and the more resentment they breed.
Why are they making it look like an issue of pressure and imposition from the outside, when a far better approach can be used?
For all their rhetoric and noise and anti OPFOR sabre rattling and their lavish donations to those certain political parties and civic groups that do their bidding, what will they do? The International Community has done nothing for 10 years, when what was required before was a no-nonsense approach.
What is required now is direct intervention to halt these attacks and were they really that concerned that would already have happened.
In the end as demonstrated on April 24th, the ending of this tyranny in Zimbabwe will depend upon brave Zimbabweans being the boots on the ground and acting as the deterrence against the OPFOR regime bullies so that the violence will stop and good sense might prevail.
Zimbabweans who would be free must act.
Zimbabweans who would be free must organise properly and where its required strike the necessary blows.
Wednesday, 23 April 2008
Hearts and Minds Doctrine and Control /Partnership Methods....THE ETHOS OF THE INSURGENCY part 3
The OPFOR (opposing force) counterinsurgency procedure is set upon two main pillars, the traditional counter terrorist, anti guerrilla warfare and counter revolutionary warfare (CRW) policy and doctrine of modern conventional armed forces and the methods used by non conventional 'Maoist' guerrilla forces.
Tried and tested the OPFOR system is based upon an overall strategy of ‘area / resource denial’ this involves an all out effort to cut opponents off from all means of shelter and supply and any 'positive' interaction with the host population.
Tactics used... intimidation and instilling terror including beatings, torture, murder, the withdrawing of food and other services, bribery, information gathering, spying and infiltration, the formation of cordons and check points around 'marked' areas, the carrying out ‘pungwes’ (public punishments) in the middle of the night. The setting up of torture / political indoctrination camps, ambushes and raids having troops/militias kicking in doors and knocking everything around.
All persons within a determined troublespot are considered 'potential enemy combatants' and are heavily vetted and monitored.
This OPFOR ethos of instilling state sponsored terror leads us to conclude that there is no room in our war fighting doctrine, or reason, for the abuse of civilians... that is a rule written in stone with absolutely NO...caveat of... unless it is necessary.
Command guidance notes put equal emphasis on EACH of the tasks control, partnership, civil works, and governance:
The key difference between the two approaches (kinetic and non-kinetic) in the implementation of a policy of control / partnership is that the first brings surface success and yet harbours within it the seeds of deep rooted failure.
The important thing is to recognize that there is more to any security operation than kinetic methods alone. We must avoid all wrong focus, which solely places emphasis on effects (what happened) while leaving the causes (why it happened) unnoticed or unharmed.
Security means targetting OPFOR at their weakest points using unilateral and combined raids, conducting persistent surveillance from observation points, and established C-OPs.
Building a series of C-OP, or ‘combat outpost’, is an integral part of the operation of every command.
C-OP are to be built where they are most useful. Force protection, patrols and C-OP use should not limit but rather must facilitate your ability to establish a successful control operation. The emphasis must be on the flexible application of counterinsurgency doctrine (using what works best at the point of incident), on the quality of the patrolling as well as on where the patrols are based.
Surveillance doctrine must be practiced until it comes naturally to the degree that building properly sited C-OPs must become second nature to the cadres. Understanding what the military calls “human terrain,” or the geographical breakdown of a population by class, ethnicity, religion, politics, and other criteria, is an absolutely essential element of successful counterinsurgency.
This INTEL / ‘hearts and minds’ intensive control / partnership approach is frustrating to many soldiers, who joined up to fight the bad guys and trained for that, but defeat caused by poor situation awareness and poor public relations does nothing to help anyones morale.
Understand the frustration, and in limited ways share it; as part of a organisation that allows innovation cadres can think whatever they want to think. But they have to be soldiers and do a professional job – and, no matter what they think, that’s exactly what they must do... Soldiers will probably never like knocking on doors and asking instead of kicking them down but just because they hate it doesn’t mean they won’t do it well.
The method for gathering “human terrain” data, though, is as frustrating to combat-oriented infantrymen spending hours walking the streets or peering through binoculars at the top of high rises, observing and noting everything that happens and everyone who goes by, might often seem to be worse than useless, but when the stakes are life and death, that’s the difficult reality.
Sometimes the job at hand will not seem worth the sacrifices made; our soldiers may, criticize their mission with every breath but they must also perform that mission impeccably.
While every soldier at every level knows that the war cannot be won without devoting effort to training often what seems like the sheer incompetence and unprofessionalism of some quarters of the opposition breeds disrespect and that is the start of the road to miserable discipline varying proportions of amusement, disgust, and fury. Security personnel are risking not just their lives but the lives of their entire families this is easy to forget this fact under these circumstances. It isn’t a recipe for trust and patience, but patience is what’s required – there is no other way.
The third and fourth elements of the mission – rebuilding municipal infrastructure and government – Probably the hardest of all post conflict tasks will be partnering with former foes from the Army and Police, and National Security forces. The task will be frustrating for many soldiers who will probably not stay in areas long enough to see these parts of the mission pay off, but studies show such efforts have improved civil infrastructure drastically: patrols alongside the work carried out by engineers can provide safe well maintained streets, clean water and newly installed generators that ensure that many homes have light and power.
Where the political dictatorship / Army Junta dominated, absolutely everything, has seen much less progress and is not likely to advance quickly. Practicing hearts and minds doctrine is boring for some soldiers and infuriating for others, but recognize the necessity of the work, soldier on and get it done, collecting trash or clearing fields as ordered the dull, pedestrian nature of the reconstruction / security job that so many cadres will find themselves doing. It is how it works, and with a bit of skill and patience, it is how counterinsurgency will work in many other neighbourhoods after they have been cleared.
The monotonous, frustrating duties that form counterinsurgency operations pay dividends: although vast amounts of work need to be done, the aim is creating stability, so that civilian infrastructure and economy can slowly improve. At the forefront of the change process the cadres must prove patient and adept at the difficult task of war fighting, rebuilding and keeping the peace.
Tried and tested the OPFOR system is based upon an overall strategy of ‘area / resource denial’ this involves an all out effort to cut opponents off from all means of shelter and supply and any 'positive' interaction with the host population.
Tactics used... intimidation and instilling terror including beatings, torture, murder, the withdrawing of food and other services, bribery, information gathering, spying and infiltration, the formation of cordons and check points around 'marked' areas, the carrying out ‘pungwes’ (public punishments) in the middle of the night. The setting up of torture / political indoctrination camps, ambushes and raids having troops/militias kicking in doors and knocking everything around.
All persons within a determined troublespot are considered 'potential enemy combatants' and are heavily vetted and monitored.
This OPFOR ethos of instilling state sponsored terror leads us to conclude that there is no room in our war fighting doctrine, or reason, for the abuse of civilians... that is a rule written in stone with absolutely NO...caveat of... unless it is necessary.
Command guidance notes put equal emphasis on EACH of the tasks control, partnership, civil works, and governance:
The key difference between the two approaches (kinetic and non-kinetic) in the implementation of a policy of control / partnership is that the first brings surface success and yet harbours within it the seeds of deep rooted failure.
The important thing is to recognize that there is more to any security operation than kinetic methods alone. We must avoid all wrong focus, which solely places emphasis on effects (what happened) while leaving the causes (why it happened) unnoticed or unharmed.
Security means targetting OPFOR at their weakest points using unilateral and combined raids, conducting persistent surveillance from observation points, and established C-OPs.
Building a series of C-OP, or ‘combat outpost’, is an integral part of the operation of every command.
C-OP are to be built where they are most useful. Force protection, patrols and C-OP use should not limit but rather must facilitate your ability to establish a successful control operation. The emphasis must be on the flexible application of counterinsurgency doctrine (using what works best at the point of incident), on the quality of the patrolling as well as on where the patrols are based.
Surveillance doctrine must be practiced until it comes naturally to the degree that building properly sited C-OPs must become second nature to the cadres. Understanding what the military calls “human terrain,” or the geographical breakdown of a population by class, ethnicity, religion, politics, and other criteria, is an absolutely essential element of successful counterinsurgency.
This INTEL / ‘hearts and minds’ intensive control / partnership approach is frustrating to many soldiers, who joined up to fight the bad guys and trained for that, but defeat caused by poor situation awareness and poor public relations does nothing to help anyones morale.
Understand the frustration, and in limited ways share it; as part of a organisation that allows innovation cadres can think whatever they want to think. But they have to be soldiers and do a professional job – and, no matter what they think, that’s exactly what they must do... Soldiers will probably never like knocking on doors and asking instead of kicking them down but just because they hate it doesn’t mean they won’t do it well.
The method for gathering “human terrain” data, though, is as frustrating to combat-oriented infantrymen spending hours walking the streets or peering through binoculars at the top of high rises, observing and noting everything that happens and everyone who goes by, might often seem to be worse than useless, but when the stakes are life and death, that’s the difficult reality.
Sometimes the job at hand will not seem worth the sacrifices made; our soldiers may, criticize their mission with every breath but they must also perform that mission impeccably.
While every soldier at every level knows that the war cannot be won without devoting effort to training often what seems like the sheer incompetence and unprofessionalism of some quarters of the opposition breeds disrespect and that is the start of the road to miserable discipline varying proportions of amusement, disgust, and fury. Security personnel are risking not just their lives but the lives of their entire families this is easy to forget this fact under these circumstances. It isn’t a recipe for trust and patience, but patience is what’s required – there is no other way.
The third and fourth elements of the mission – rebuilding municipal infrastructure and government – Probably the hardest of all post conflict tasks will be partnering with former foes from the Army and Police, and National Security forces. The task will be frustrating for many soldiers who will probably not stay in areas long enough to see these parts of the mission pay off, but studies show such efforts have improved civil infrastructure drastically: patrols alongside the work carried out by engineers can provide safe well maintained streets, clean water and newly installed generators that ensure that many homes have light and power.
Where the political dictatorship / Army Junta dominated, absolutely everything, has seen much less progress and is not likely to advance quickly. Practicing hearts and minds doctrine is boring for some soldiers and infuriating for others, but recognize the necessity of the work, soldier on and get it done, collecting trash or clearing fields as ordered the dull, pedestrian nature of the reconstruction / security job that so many cadres will find themselves doing. It is how it works, and with a bit of skill and patience, it is how counterinsurgency will work in many other neighbourhoods after they have been cleared.
The monotonous, frustrating duties that form counterinsurgency operations pay dividends: although vast amounts of work need to be done, the aim is creating stability, so that civilian infrastructure and economy can slowly improve. At the forefront of the change process the cadres must prove patient and adept at the difficult task of war fighting, rebuilding and keeping the peace.
For a strong understanding of and lesson in counterinsurgency doctrine the new US Army-Marine field manual on counterinsurgency operations, is a useful guide...
A primary point it teaches is that a hostile / fearful ill treated populations will pose worse dilemmas than any hostile enemy soldier.
Tactical flexibility... employs and adjusts the ‘winning hearts and minds' doctrine to a neighbourhood-by-neighbourhood basis.
Cadres must relate correctly to the factual issues they find in the specific areas on the ground instead of using a less effective ‘blanket approach’ to the mission based upon the assumption that our cause is right and 'shared by all'.
The creation of thorough zone by zone INTEL, AGITPROP and infiltration programs with fixed lines of operation (which act as barriers between ‘safe / secure’ areas and ‘unsafe / unsecure’ areas) will be placed around areas of infiltration. This policy is a viable innovation, affording less risky methods than a more rigid form, of ‘area take over by imposition’ by those same forces.
All such deployments will find that the different populations encountered will display a mix of welcome euphoria and sceptical hostility before accepting the presence of the cadres as matter of fact.
(Area) situational awareness is a prime tenet of flexible tactics: the approach is not described in the new field manual, but does, in some specific cases, fit perfectly with it, and with the classical doctrine on which it is based.
Patrol with the aim of making the host populations want to create a welcoming environment for our cadres, ensure that community leaders know the benefits of the cadres presence, greet children, cooperative local businessmen, and others.
Be aware of the fears caused by conflict and people living for years under an obviously corrupt influence. Impeccable manners and standards of behaviour must apply – a small thing, but in operations where rapport with the populace is key; a critical one.
Blend this approach with the capability to partner positive development, effectively communicating the non-kinetic (non war fighting) tactics required down to the lower ranks;
Have a series of guidelines titled “Unit Guidance,” highly visible, clearly stating the objectives in the area and in general, that describes in detail the four “key tasks” of control, partnership, civil works, and governance.
Accept the usefulness of this aspect of counterinsurgency, believe – you can win hearts and minds and displace the enemy doctrine of fear and selfishness... this stuff will work, it does not take -------- forever. That kind of patience in the face of adversity is exactly what counterinsurgency requires for success.
Commanders must learn about urban warfare strategy and counterinsurgency and develop the approach a list of books on counterinsurgency – some classics and some more obscure – and on combating organized crime exist.
An cadre who is not afraid to be candid who can learn in order to save lives is the ultimate professional in both kinetic and non-kinetic warfare, personality counts for less than an approach that will help give all of us a fighting chance at success in the unbelievably complex task of building and implementing peace in our nation.
Counterinsurgency at the street level.
Patrol mounted and on foot with a security squad overwatch. Unit leaders, on patrol 3 DAYS- THEN PLANNING) create a number of mutually supportive C-OP, the 'combat outpost' that the cadres must establish at strategic points in each sector, have regular truthful 'update briefings' on the battle / plan.
Apply conventional as well as classical, non-kinetic counterinsurgency tactics, be patient, and seek the results through the quality of your units’ actions.
The aim is to counter the idea within our nation that fear must override everything. The regime has made many areas places that are festering havens of heavily armed thugs and loyalist militants...
We are seeking to create an environment that is effective and secure, to the point that we do not want any negative OPFOR dominance (PSYCHOLOCICAL or PHYSICAL) in those havens and secure areas. Send out scouting or surveillance elements to INTEL gather regularly in all zones. (Quality verifiable intelligence).
The opponent has a history of intimidation by armed elements / and infiltration by agents in these areas and remains an extremely active influence. The result we seek is to nullify this psychologically as well as militarily in all areas of operations.
Although the OPFOR could always return, and many are at a loss as to how to roll back the pervasive influence of the past years of NEAR ‘one party state’ domination on civilian infrastructure, security for our people must be completely solid.
How will we reach this point? At a more basic level, it stems from effective and simultaneous prosecution of operations along all four lines identified to the cadres in the command guidance: control, partnership, civil works, and governance. – a difficult proposition –unless all four lines are being pursued at once, regardless of which one seems most important at the time, no success in any will be sustained.
The first piece of the equation, and the most controversial, is control, which command guidance defines as “preventing the enemy from operating effectively in the area of operations.” Control is the one element of counterinsurgency that is critical, but it is also the most misunderstood and misused element; it was, for example, in the name of controlling the area of operations that the opponent routinely intimidates villages and other citizens launching the brutally aggressive sweeps that have now led to murder and other charges.
But control is also the name of the game when carefully cordoned off zones, are advanced through, and multiple C-OPs are set up in the city enabling the clearances that lead to sustained security in the aftermath of combat. Most combat commanders, although not all theoreticians of counterinsurgency should recognize that before rebuilding and governance projects can go forward, a basic threshold of security must be met.
The challenge and controversy of control operations is “correctly estimating where that threshold lies, and not either shifting focus to the next phase too early or prolonging the kinetic raids and sweeps that make up the control part so long that you cause problems.” The problems, of course, are the often severe consequences when troops use greater force than necessary, as doctrine for conventional combat requires them to: “If we enter 10 areas but in the process create new enemies that is not a productive operation.”
In area of operations, where the opponents’ military presence is minimal, more covert and economic than military; internal issues of strife may exist, a sensitive understanding of the threshold for influence and control operations must create a near law enforcement-like posture from the cadres.
If we need doors kicked in or an objective stormed, and if there is a strong, imminent threat, the cadres will fight.
Though, that is not what is always required, so it is not what we do. For example, we can set up a fictitious situation to lure opponents rather than disrupt whole areas. But it’s about what’s needed where.
That operational flexibility, and other plans like it, mixed with conventional war fighting, are how we will beat a well organised astute adversary – by tricking him and or dragging him into positions where its obvious that all resistence is futile, but not always by shooting only, and kicking in doors.
A primary point it teaches is that a hostile / fearful ill treated populations will pose worse dilemmas than any hostile enemy soldier.
Tactical flexibility... employs and adjusts the ‘winning hearts and minds' doctrine to a neighbourhood-by-neighbourhood basis.
Cadres must relate correctly to the factual issues they find in the specific areas on the ground instead of using a less effective ‘blanket approach’ to the mission based upon the assumption that our cause is right and 'shared by all'.
The creation of thorough zone by zone INTEL, AGITPROP and infiltration programs with fixed lines of operation (which act as barriers between ‘safe / secure’ areas and ‘unsafe / unsecure’ areas) will be placed around areas of infiltration. This policy is a viable innovation, affording less risky methods than a more rigid form, of ‘area take over by imposition’ by those same forces.
All such deployments will find that the different populations encountered will display a mix of welcome euphoria and sceptical hostility before accepting the presence of the cadres as matter of fact.
(Area) situational awareness is a prime tenet of flexible tactics: the approach is not described in the new field manual, but does, in some specific cases, fit perfectly with it, and with the classical doctrine on which it is based.
Patrol with the aim of making the host populations want to create a welcoming environment for our cadres, ensure that community leaders know the benefits of the cadres presence, greet children, cooperative local businessmen, and others.
Be aware of the fears caused by conflict and people living for years under an obviously corrupt influence. Impeccable manners and standards of behaviour must apply – a small thing, but in operations where rapport with the populace is key; a critical one.
Blend this approach with the capability to partner positive development, effectively communicating the non-kinetic (non war fighting) tactics required down to the lower ranks;
Have a series of guidelines titled “Unit Guidance,” highly visible, clearly stating the objectives in the area and in general, that describes in detail the four “key tasks” of control, partnership, civil works, and governance.
Accept the usefulness of this aspect of counterinsurgency, believe – you can win hearts and minds and displace the enemy doctrine of fear and selfishness... this stuff will work, it does not take -------- forever. That kind of patience in the face of adversity is exactly what counterinsurgency requires for success.
Commanders must learn about urban warfare strategy and counterinsurgency and develop the approach a list of books on counterinsurgency – some classics and some more obscure – and on combating organized crime exist.
An cadre who is not afraid to be candid who can learn in order to save lives is the ultimate professional in both kinetic and non-kinetic warfare, personality counts for less than an approach that will help give all of us a fighting chance at success in the unbelievably complex task of building and implementing peace in our nation.
Counterinsurgency at the street level.
Patrol mounted and on foot with a security squad overwatch. Unit leaders, on patrol 3 DAYS- THEN PLANNING) create a number of mutually supportive C-OP, the 'combat outpost' that the cadres must establish at strategic points in each sector, have regular truthful 'update briefings' on the battle / plan.
Apply conventional as well as classical, non-kinetic counterinsurgency tactics, be patient, and seek the results through the quality of your units’ actions.
The aim is to counter the idea within our nation that fear must override everything. The regime has made many areas places that are festering havens of heavily armed thugs and loyalist militants...
We are seeking to create an environment that is effective and secure, to the point that we do not want any negative OPFOR dominance (PSYCHOLOCICAL or PHYSICAL) in those havens and secure areas. Send out scouting or surveillance elements to INTEL gather regularly in all zones. (Quality verifiable intelligence).
The opponent has a history of intimidation by armed elements / and infiltration by agents in these areas and remains an extremely active influence. The result we seek is to nullify this psychologically as well as militarily in all areas of operations.
Although the OPFOR could always return, and many are at a loss as to how to roll back the pervasive influence of the past years of NEAR ‘one party state’ domination on civilian infrastructure, security for our people must be completely solid.
How will we reach this point? At a more basic level, it stems from effective and simultaneous prosecution of operations along all four lines identified to the cadres in the command guidance: control, partnership, civil works, and governance. – a difficult proposition –unless all four lines are being pursued at once, regardless of which one seems most important at the time, no success in any will be sustained.
The first piece of the equation, and the most controversial, is control, which command guidance defines as “preventing the enemy from operating effectively in the area of operations.” Control is the one element of counterinsurgency that is critical, but it is also the most misunderstood and misused element; it was, for example, in the name of controlling the area of operations that the opponent routinely intimidates villages and other citizens launching the brutally aggressive sweeps that have now led to murder and other charges.
But control is also the name of the game when carefully cordoned off zones, are advanced through, and multiple C-OPs are set up in the city enabling the clearances that lead to sustained security in the aftermath of combat. Most combat commanders, although not all theoreticians of counterinsurgency should recognize that before rebuilding and governance projects can go forward, a basic threshold of security must be met.
The challenge and controversy of control operations is “correctly estimating where that threshold lies, and not either shifting focus to the next phase too early or prolonging the kinetic raids and sweeps that make up the control part so long that you cause problems.” The problems, of course, are the often severe consequences when troops use greater force than necessary, as doctrine for conventional combat requires them to: “If we enter 10 areas but in the process create new enemies that is not a productive operation.”
In area of operations, where the opponents’ military presence is minimal, more covert and economic than military; internal issues of strife may exist, a sensitive understanding of the threshold for influence and control operations must create a near law enforcement-like posture from the cadres.
If we need doors kicked in or an objective stormed, and if there is a strong, imminent threat, the cadres will fight.
Though, that is not what is always required, so it is not what we do. For example, we can set up a fictitious situation to lure opponents rather than disrupt whole areas. But it’s about what’s needed where.
That operational flexibility, and other plans like it, mixed with conventional war fighting, are how we will beat a well organised astute adversary – by tricking him and or dragging him into positions where its obvious that all resistence is futile, but not always by shooting only, and kicking in doors.
Tuesday, 22 April 2008
Every man, woman and child first...THE ETHOS OF THE INSURGENCY part 1
I often wonder how the most vulnerable ones in our nation are coping...As soldiers fighting for the liberation of our homeland from this current tyranny the next few weeks and months will be filled by the same single question that has filled our minds for the past few years.... ‘why’.
The things that we will see and many of the things we will have to do will cause this question to be asked over and over again.
This afternoon I was looking at graphic images of the victims of the latest round of atrocities; as I looked I wondered about the people who had done such things...and I asked myself ‘why’.
As much we may want to vilify and objectify our opponents in this struggle, they are men and women who have mothers and fathers and sisters and brothers and thoughts and feelings, just like us...people caught up in the human condition just like the people they are beating and burning and scalding and harassing and frightening and abducting and murdering...
They see the suffering and know the hardships that the ordinary people in the country are going through. They know deep down that the people they attack are not guilty of anything or lack the power to hurt why???
As soldiers the primary reason for our role is the defence of the nation against all threats foreign and domestic...
We can see that solely as a threat posed by physical form or nefarious plan... however on reflection I have concluded that the greatest enemy we fight is based in the psychology, in the is why normal men and women can do such evil things...internal poverty.
The greatest challenge facing our nation in its short history is now before us, for years we have debated the issue...its causes and its effects and always the conventional wisdom is to externalise the problem...yes the external enemy exists but what about the attitudes held within him and within ourselves.
We want a new Zimbabwe yet what new nation will we raise up and upon what foundations...tribalism? racism? sexism? class discrimmination? ageism? All injustice starts in the hearts and minds of individuals first before it ever manifests as external greed or terror.
I understand that many comrades reading this will disagree, they want the name of specific men or the name of specific organisations (and those things will receive much discussion) ...but I will ask them to consider not just who we are fighting against... but what are we truly fighting for ...I would argue that the type of poverty I mean can be moral as well as financial.
It is that attitude, that poverty of intolerance, dishonesty, and ammorality and disregard that now makes it possible for some of us treat the lives of others so cheaply in this day and age.
Where is the respect?
Our ancestors did not raise such people.
Within myself I firmly believe that it is important that when we fight this coming battle we retain high standards... standards of honesty and honour, bravery, courage and commitment; indeed there will be moments and incidents where we may falter in these things but we cannot fail.
We cannot fail because in this fight against this corrupt system...we fight to show our people that their lives are of immense value, that after so much suffering their lives are important.
The most painful aspect of all these years is to think of how much compassion has been lost within Zimbabwe, how much our people have suffered because so much moral poverty has been allowed to continue unchecked within the present system.
So much moral bankcruptcy that people who have mothers and fathers and loved ones...can torture and kill people who have families and thoughts and feelings just like them for no good reason other than that they were acting within a frame work of moral poverty... a mindset and attitude that is the true enemy of our nation state.
The things that we will see and many of the things we will have to do will cause this question to be asked over and over again.
This afternoon I was looking at graphic images of the victims of the latest round of atrocities; as I looked I wondered about the people who had done such things...and I asked myself ‘why’.
As much we may want to vilify and objectify our opponents in this struggle, they are men and women who have mothers and fathers and sisters and brothers and thoughts and feelings, just like us...people caught up in the human condition just like the people they are beating and burning and scalding and harassing and frightening and abducting and murdering...
They see the suffering and know the hardships that the ordinary people in the country are going through. They know deep down that the people they attack are not guilty of anything or lack the power to hurt why???
As soldiers the primary reason for our role is the defence of the nation against all threats foreign and domestic...
We can see that solely as a threat posed by physical form or nefarious plan... however on reflection I have concluded that the greatest enemy we fight is based in the psychology, in the is why normal men and women can do such evil things...internal poverty.
The greatest challenge facing our nation in its short history is now before us, for years we have debated the issue...its causes and its effects and always the conventional wisdom is to externalise the problem...yes the external enemy exists but what about the attitudes held within him and within ourselves.
We want a new Zimbabwe yet what new nation will we raise up and upon what foundations...tribalism? racism? sexism? class discrimmination? ageism? All injustice starts in the hearts and minds of individuals first before it ever manifests as external greed or terror.
I understand that many comrades reading this will disagree, they want the name of specific men or the name of specific organisations (and those things will receive much discussion) ...but I will ask them to consider not just who we are fighting against... but what are we truly fighting for ...I would argue that the type of poverty I mean can be moral as well as financial.
It is that attitude, that poverty of intolerance, dishonesty, and ammorality and disregard that now makes it possible for some of us treat the lives of others so cheaply in this day and age.
Where is the respect?
Our ancestors did not raise such people.
Within myself I firmly believe that it is important that when we fight this coming battle we retain high standards... standards of honesty and honour, bravery, courage and commitment; indeed there will be moments and incidents where we may falter in these things but we cannot fail.
We cannot fail because in this fight against this corrupt system...we fight to show our people that their lives are of immense value, that after so much suffering their lives are important.
The most painful aspect of all these years is to think of how much compassion has been lost within Zimbabwe, how much our people have suffered because so much moral poverty has been allowed to continue unchecked within the present system.
So much moral bankcruptcy that people who have mothers and fathers and loved ones...can torture and kill people who have families and thoughts and feelings just like them for no good reason other than that they were acting within a frame work of moral poverty... a mindset and attitude that is the true enemy of our nation state.
The sad State of Denial (aka Zimbabwe)
Its sad and funny...the way things have gone how can we heal when people can't acknowledge the simplest and very obvious facts or when truth is wrapped up in self interest and expediency.
That Zimbabwe is in need of change is obvious...that the regime is unfit to govern and that gross mismanagement exists is obvious. That ZDERA needs scrapping and that the present British Government did not honour the previous Conservative administrations promises regarding the land issue is obvious too.
We have been told lie after lie...when what we deserved was the honest truth. The deniers on both sides uniting amongst themselves in the name of their self interests and polarising us as Zimbabweans.
WE who are non partisan cannot be part of any grand denial project... that will do anything to get into power... or do anything to stay in both sets of wrong thinking will destroy the country.
It is ironic that the persons who are the leadership of the two most visible political parties cannot see the challenge to make Zimbabwe a viable player on the world stage....
Why must ZANU kill innocent people merely for using the very right of... ONE PERSON ONE VOTE ...that they say was the cause of the Liberation War???
What kind of opposition comes in the name of non-violence and human rights activism yet uses the wholsale suffering of fellow human beings and the uncaring INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY seeing that suffering as its main strategy to gaining power?
Zimbabwe's problems are as far from resolution as the minds addressing those problems.
The values of the liberation struggle that cost so much life were for peace and prosperity and a decent future for Zimbabwe, not so some unfairly privileged people in 2008 could steal the sense of power the common man or woman has to choose or change the Executive.
Just as those people who do not want to lose their privilege that they got unjustly and now sustain through violence, so their poor victims dont want to lose their lives.
Let us have truth in this matter and stop the partisan states of denial. No just revolution is being protected via setting up torture camps and killing innocent people.
However Zimbabwe's misery is also sustained through the donor fund gravey train and never ending talking shops created by 'opponents' of the regime who gain benefit and status from the crisis...
The empty discourses that vomit all day about protecting the gains of the liberation War... or democracy and human rights, yet dont actually do anything to support real progressive change dont help our country.
That Zimbabwe is in need of change is obvious...that the regime is unfit to govern and that gross mismanagement exists is obvious. That ZDERA needs scrapping and that the present British Government did not honour the previous Conservative administrations promises regarding the land issue is obvious too.
We have been told lie after lie...when what we deserved was the honest truth. The deniers on both sides uniting amongst themselves in the name of their self interests and polarising us as Zimbabweans.
WE who are non partisan cannot be part of any grand denial project... that will do anything to get into power... or do anything to stay in both sets of wrong thinking will destroy the country.
It is ironic that the persons who are the leadership of the two most visible political parties cannot see the challenge to make Zimbabwe a viable player on the world stage....
Why must ZANU kill innocent people merely for using the very right of... ONE PERSON ONE VOTE ...that they say was the cause of the Liberation War???
What kind of opposition comes in the name of non-violence and human rights activism yet uses the wholsale suffering of fellow human beings and the uncaring INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY seeing that suffering as its main strategy to gaining power?
Zimbabwe's problems are as far from resolution as the minds addressing those problems.
The values of the liberation struggle that cost so much life were for peace and prosperity and a decent future for Zimbabwe, not so some unfairly privileged people in 2008 could steal the sense of power the common man or woman has to choose or change the Executive.
Just as those people who do not want to lose their privilege that they got unjustly and now sustain through violence, so their poor victims dont want to lose their lives.
Let us have truth in this matter and stop the partisan states of denial. No just revolution is being protected via setting up torture camps and killing innocent people.
However Zimbabwe's misery is also sustained through the donor fund gravey train and never ending talking shops created by 'opponents' of the regime who gain benefit and status from the crisis...
The empty discourses that vomit all day about protecting the gains of the liberation War... or democracy and human rights, yet dont actually do anything to support real progressive change dont help our country.
Monday, 21 April 2008
Welcome to 'the ZIMBABWE insurgency' blogspot
This site has been set up to provide a meeting place for Zimbabwean patriots and their friends and allies.
1) To exchange ideas and information of a military / business / national development nature.
2) To act as a networking forum for 'serious minded' Zimbabweans.
3) To source finances and resources from the many supporters of the new struggle for Zimbabwe's liberation who exist globally.
4) To provide a realistic, organised and well planned alternative to the failed 'FLOWER revolution', 'COLOUR revolution' / HUMAN RIGHTS activism template, that was organised to be used by many within Zimbabwe's present opposition; that has proven so ineffective for so long.
The rhetoric and idealism of peaceful non-violence in the face of genocide that supports massacre and justifies individual cowardice.
Let us be clear, the desire of all... is for peace and stability, but within the ZIMBABWE insurgency blog there is no room for any sort of air headed, well meaning liberal nonsense.
The peaceful activism template has supplanted realistic analysis and sound method..with false hope. Letting the police beat you or the soldiers shoot you until they see the light...
Worse still it denies the obvious need for any strategic or tactical thinking against a shrewd, extremely dangerous and experienced incumbency.
It has left far too many Zimbabweans defenceless, and afraid all because of the unrealistic myopic pursuit of the utopian ideal of 'peaceful democratic change'. Zimbabwe is not a social / political experiment.
Frederick Douglass said ....Those who profess to favor freedom and yet depreciate agitation, are people who want crops without ploughing the ground; they want rain without thunder and lightning; they want the ocean without the roar of its many waters. The struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, or it may be both. But it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. ... Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will.
No one wants conflict... but ...
John 2: 14
...tells us even Jesus had to take it to another level.
The regime within Zimbabwe has acted according to the core nature of all former guerrilla movements- turned governments- turned criminal mafia...Their might is not created in the exercise of power, but by the people having no will or power to establish effective deterence.
Had they chosen to do so (and they still can) regime members could at any time offer a peaceful way out of the mess; but instead a few known hardliners have thrown down the gaunlet...
That they will outsmart those who arent serious... That all Zimbabweans that WANT change can only get change by being honest, forceful and decisive and clever enough to achieve it.
This is the realisation now arrived at by many, that the present crisis is a danger to public life and liberty...that the methods and actors of the past have failed and that a new level of struggle is now needed to seek and establish a genuine positive change.
This blog will not be for the faint hearted but its existence is necessary.
The present crisis in Zimbabwe has lasted for 10 years...a long time by anyones standards.
(the earlier Ghukurahundi and other events not withstanding)
..Ideas...Contacts..Plans...Money..Resources..... NO TIME WASTERS please.
Thank You...
1) To exchange ideas and information of a military / business / national development nature.
2) To act as a networking forum for 'serious minded' Zimbabweans.
3) To source finances and resources from the many supporters of the new struggle for Zimbabwe's liberation who exist globally.
4) To provide a realistic, organised and well planned alternative to the failed 'FLOWER revolution', 'COLOUR revolution' / HUMAN RIGHTS activism template, that was organised to be used by many within Zimbabwe's present opposition; that has proven so ineffective for so long.
The rhetoric and idealism of peaceful non-violence in the face of genocide that supports massacre and justifies individual cowardice.
Let us be clear, the desire of all... is for peace and stability, but within the ZIMBABWE insurgency blog there is no room for any sort of air headed, well meaning liberal nonsense.
The peaceful activism template has supplanted realistic analysis and sound method..with false hope. Letting the police beat you or the soldiers shoot you until they see the light...
Worse still it denies the obvious need for any strategic or tactical thinking against a shrewd, extremely dangerous and experienced incumbency.
It has left far too many Zimbabweans defenceless, and afraid all because of the unrealistic myopic pursuit of the utopian ideal of 'peaceful democratic change'. Zimbabwe is not a social / political experiment.
Frederick Douglass said ....Those who profess to favor freedom and yet depreciate agitation, are people who want crops without ploughing the ground; they want rain without thunder and lightning; they want the ocean without the roar of its many waters. The struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, or it may be both. But it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. ... Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will.
No one wants conflict... but ...
John 2: 14
...tells us even Jesus had to take it to another level.
The regime within Zimbabwe has acted according to the core nature of all former guerrilla movements- turned governments- turned criminal mafia...Their might is not created in the exercise of power, but by the people having no will or power to establish effective deterence.
Had they chosen to do so (and they still can) regime members could at any time offer a peaceful way out of the mess; but instead a few known hardliners have thrown down the gaunlet...
That they will outsmart those who arent serious... That all Zimbabweans that WANT change can only get change by being honest, forceful and decisive and clever enough to achieve it.
This is the realisation now arrived at by many, that the present crisis is a danger to public life and liberty...that the methods and actors of the past have failed and that a new level of struggle is now needed to seek and establish a genuine positive change.
This blog will not be for the faint hearted but its existence is necessary.
The present crisis in Zimbabwe has lasted for 10 years...a long time by anyones standards.
(the earlier Ghukurahundi and other events not withstanding)
..Ideas...Contacts..Plans...Money..Resources..... NO TIME WASTERS please.
Thank You...
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