little man versus big machine

Operation Mavoterapapi (how did you vote)

Operation Mavoterapapi (how did you vote)
free and fair elections = MDC funders MONEY vs Zanu GUNS / violence

Tuesday, 22 December 2009


No real change is taking place in Zimbabwe due to the fact that the real deals are going on in secret out of the public view.

A myriad of self serving hidden agendas and cover-ups. Zimbabwe Libre is at the centre of a new Scramble for Africa. The years have moved on from Berlin 1884-85 the powers involved have changed; but the greed and the use of African proxies and puppets being there to subdue the masses while a few elites get richer remains constant.

MDC chefs for all their rhetoric about CHINJA are beneficiaries of the Zimbabwe crisis (donor fund eating puppets of foreign interests); along with being beneficiaries of the political fudge that created the hybrid called 'the GNU'(watered own stooges on the same gravy train as the tyranny).

The MDC leadership gets away with it due to a culture of cult worship, clientelism myopia and make believe that runs through that party. The entire 'opposition pretence' is as bad but MDC is mentioned because as Zimbabweans we have placed too many hopes for liberation with a group of frauds charlatans and opportunists and have not demanded to seek the results or the books. Our agency and sense of national responsibility to liberate ourselves is on the shelf.

Remember when things began, all the talk was all about the dictatorship is bad as it is a HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATOR? Well even with the GNU in place the dictatorship is still a human rights violator but that issue has been swept under the carpet and the noise replaced by one pretence about 'economic stability and progress'.

Its pointless to ask how you can have this so called 'economic stability' while the top looters remain entrenched, you will not get an answer. It is also pointless to ask where the stability is when the Military junta (JOC)is as firmly entrenched as ever.
The opposition visualize the dictatorship as a traditional 'political establishment NOT a corporate / military operation, NOT as a centralized business process that operates on basic economic and technological principles.

The tyranny uses the dishonesty of its opponents to recruit new business partners and foot soldiers and retain "support staff", negotiate for and purchase supplies, and to regroup. Their opponents still believe when the Dear Leader dies elections will sweep them into power.
They dont refer to the past for any future study, they dont review the last games from 2002-2008, and know how to gain or use 'leverage'.

In a post last year, the blog stated the tyranny that leverages past guerilla experience prototyping it into the civilian arena and 'swarming' principles.

The bad news is that you wont get those benefitting from the presence of the tyranny learning these lessons and approaching the issue in a different light. The bad news is that this model of "phoney warfare" is waged against the people not by or for the people. It creates a false idea of security that is easily spread regarding what change really means and what it invloves.

History is required reading for anyone wanting to gain a deeper understanding. Don't read it though and the cycle of raised false hopes and crushing disappointments that serve to make a greedy few rich will continue indefinitely.

It's sure to keep you awake.

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