Its an issue of ‘priority’…
Once upon a time the ‘assumed priority’ was that a struggle was taking place that would bring about the total freedom of the nation, the removal of a corrupt dictatorship that loots the national future in order to sustain a criminal presence in the present.
MDC presented itself as a party with the credible personnel, with ideas and methodology to remove that tyranny and offer a ‘new Zimbabwe’
But its easy to look good when you have no real track record and the only policies one has are finger pointing. Over time the public saw the truth and the ‘priority’ of struggle began to change 1) the forceful promises of regime change were exposed as empty rhetoric and lies spouted to garner mass public support and 2) the personnel / ideas department of the MDC proved no match against the Zanu mafia.
Swap peoples desperation for change/ (remember CHINJA). Present it as the ‘popularity’ of the MDC ‘dear leader’.
Such was the depth of their donor funded fallacy and hallucination that MDC chefs believed any poor standard of leadership was acceptable (plans? who needs plans they often crowed)
The priority became to entrench yet another unquestioned and unchallenged political gang… to hell with the hopeful gullible Zimbabwean public.
Remember when the infighting began, it wasnt over how best to serve the people but over power. People were being driven from their homes MDC was infighting. Power corrupts and is so sweet. It was about clinging to position. Who was there to challenge the new ‘dear leader’?
PRIORITY…changed to hell with the people or rule of law, get the resources and the money.
The democratic forces were proving opportunistic and inept but who wants to go back to having nothing having tasted the donor funded perks of the eternal Zimbabwe crisis. The political circus of hangers on playing golf with their Western string pullers?
Knowing that a growing wave of doubters had seen that they were no match for the Zanu killers and looters… MDC leadership from 2005 put out feelers of ‘if you cant beat them join them’ to the Zanu mafia.
These nefarious deals culminating in things like the GNU, the Kariba Draft and other dodgy secret dealings that divided Zimbabwe economically and politically like a cake among the various elites. “We will not negotiate in public”. They cried.
So long as it was the ordinary people that suffered but the -money men- got paid the elites could wage their phoney war for power for eternity.
The ‘new priority’ cling to political power make sure the people would never to be priority beneficiaries of the Zimbabwean economy.
Move time on from the heady days of 1999 and we see an MDC changing the liberation goal posts.
Having been backed by Western owners MDC chefs ‘priority’ is returning the profits of that investment to their foreign handlers.
The ECONOMY is touted as a ‘success’ while the looters remain and new corporate vultures appear. A ‘success’ and yet the finance minister talks of “85% of his country’s citizens… drowning in poverty”.
Morgan unable to complete that original task of freeing the country from top to bottom indulges in self deception, lies and make believe. Advisors cheerleading the pretence with unwarrented over optimism.
In the full light of day its become apparent that for the new party elites ‘the struggle’ is about 4X4s, Mercs, perks, political survival, status and more perks. Zimbabwe has a new army of Vasco Da Gamas in its new ‘dear leader’ and others to the tune of US$28 million worth of travel floating on the sea of 85% poverty.
little man versus big machine
Friday, 4 December 2009
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