I will be totally honest; this post is written in a state of some anger, following more reports of more murders of fellow comrades that reached us recently. More death and chaos, all for the sake of the vanity and greed of opportunistic politicians and the unquestioning mindlessness of the gravy train riding human ‘sheep’ that support them.
The truth is that it would have been far better for Zimbabweans to die fighting for freedom; than being dragged kicking and screaming from their homes in the night by brutes, with no help or defence.
A conflict exists; the opposition helps continue much of the present mess by denying this obvious fact, bungling by not having a plan to back their own WINNER TAKES ALL philosophy; playing power hungry wolf and innocent defenceless lamb at the same time. The situation in Zimbabwe is AND HAS ALWAYS BEEN a power struggle, theZimbabweinsurgency asks that certain parties put the rhetoric about peaceful democratic transitions aside and face reality. To flagrantly announce an election victory without any PLAN B, or structural readiness, to crow so loudly without understanding any of the possible repercussions and consequences; is as close to criminal negligence and total political irresponsibility as you can get.
But now people are being murdered, its time to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH and act meaningfully on those words.
There comes a time in the life of any situation when you have to take off the kid gloves and stop being a constant soft touch. On March 29 the OPFOR military junta showed in an ultimate act of disregard its contempt for the right of Zimbabweans to decide their own future. Yet now the Junta is allowed to get away with murder. Come June 27 Zimbabwe’s opposition in its entirety should pull out all the stops to make the country ungovernable.
Yet the opposition will do nothing; but play the usual fruitless games of press conference, mega phone protest struggle, crowing prematurely about victory and then crying in expected and obvious defeat. THE SAME endless cycle of promising imminent OPFOR doom and jam tomorrow and then serving up new excuses for failure and falling into obvious traps. The same amounts of too much hot air with little deed or accomplishment. The line blurring between Zimbabwe's opposition politicians and its religious leaders. Both are faith based 'cult of personality' projects, both promote 'messianic saviours' with an effusive energy that seems deaf to any critique or dissention. Both bellow exhaustively about the promise of "a new impending Heaven on Earth" that exsists outside of time and space, but which resides just around the corner. A state of salvation that is just as intangible and elusive today as it was yesterday. A state of salvation that requires that tyranny must spill innocent blood.
While the protest circus is going on the OPFOR regime is busy consolidating its power by torturing and murdering and burning innocent people out of their homes. Attacking the real leadership of the opposition, the organisers and the support base, while opposition figureheads fuss over their non-existent international image and their individual personal safety.
The term...the paralysis of analysis... is a statement coined to mean...a state of talking and contemplation that takes up so much time and energy, it stops all inclination towards decisive action.
The feeling here is that Zimbabwe is suffering from 'pundit fatigue', an unhelpful condition that has been affecting the situation for many years. Armchair revolutionaries proliferate the communication sphere, giving endless opinions, about what happened or what should happen; but offering no action. If truth be told if all Zimbabwe's many political pseudo-intellectuals were as much actors halting the disaster as they are analyzers and bystanders and spectators watching the disaster, the nation would have been freed years ago.
One of the mind states that dominate this struggle that results from this over analysis is a concept that we at theZimbabweinsurgency call ‘educated idiocy’. The advocates of ‘educated idiocy’ see the facts as clearly as anyone else ... that the OPFOR military Junta has dismissed election results for over six years and will not just 'go away' as many hope, yet they would rather exist in convenient states of false hope and denial. It was written a long time ago that the nature of tyranny means that Zimbabwe would only be liberated through some form of conflict, but by placing personal safety before national interest, 'educated idiots' will tell you with a straight face that:
1. The tide will be turned through FREE and FAIR elections. (That are organised and the results controlled by the Junta.)
2. Zimbabwean people are ‘peace loving’ and ‘helpless’ and couldn’t possibly hope to resist any OPFOR backlash. (The ‘educated idiots’ then hope a worsening economy will create Kenya style protests and call for people to “DEFEND YOUR VOTE”.)
4. The OPFOR military dictatorship MUST NOT / WILL NOT be removed by ‘unconstitutional means’. (Even though logic states that the very nature of a dictatorship casts aside any idea of using 'constitutional means' to remove it.)
5. Any who advocate violating ‘laws’ are wrong. (Even though those ‘laws’ merely serve to protect a criminal military dictatorship and oppress the population.)
6. The OPFOR are close to defeat via the electoral process. (Even though the OPFOR remain in power 6 YEARS after losing in 2002...The TRUTH remains that Zimbabwe's opposition have no means of making sure the 27 June results wont be dismissed as in the 29 March election farce... OPFOR figures having also stated that the results will again be dismissed on 27 June.)
7. That THE PEOPLES ‘victory’ is close to hand. (A thing said much and often over the years, even though they have no means of actually securing it past the stage of its role play of getting votes in rigged elections.)
8. Self defence is wrong. (Even though the people attacking you are trying to force you into a state of slavery or murder you.)
On one hand the ‘educated idiots’ and their various supporters mix fantasy with more fantasy when they contend that self defence is a recipe for disaster and that any such groups advocating self defence are trying to create widespread chaos or ‘outgun’ the OPFOR security services—things that are not intended and that are not necessary.
But how hypocritical and fantastical trying to gain power via an election process the Junta controls; or via an international ‘pressure’ the Junta disregards. The continued myth of ‘outgunning’ the OPFOR regime at the ballot box or at the UN, ad infinitum until...?
The trouble is that far too many people and groups have painted themselves into a linguistic corner, falling love with the term ‘democratic’ and other rhetorical terms without realising that most of the so called ‘democratic’ nations in the world are also amongst the most militarised and heavily armed nations on Earth.
The unworkable ideal of fighting dictatorship using methods that have failed is clung to stubbornly, ALL TOO MANY FORGETTING THAT THE MAIN OPPOSITION IN ZIMBABWE IS NOW THE ECONOMY, not any civic group or political party.
It is the hope of many ‘educated idiots’ that the orchestrated economic downturn will mix sufficiently with the damage caused by OPFOR regime corruption and mismanagement and cause a critical mass of hungry, angry people to become even more angry people...until an inevitable explosion.
The idea is to take advantage of this hoped for chaos, and ride on the back of mass street protests that the oposition hierachy does not have the brains or public support to organise through its leadership or structures. (As in March 2007).
Rather than improve the quality of opposition the ‘educated idiots’ hope to take credit for a national change that was created by harsh economic circumstances.
The deception is bolstered by a misconception that the situation in Zimbabwe is a great concern to people outside Zimbabwe. This belief propels some within the opposition hierarchy to forgo proper consolidation of structures within Zimbabwe in order to gain a dubious credit from an international community so venal and self serving and often times corrupt; that it is no more than a bunch of bureaucratic, conference convening spectators moving from three course dinner to three course dinner, pontificating about one global disaster after another.
The issue of Zimbabwe is only a priority to Zimbabweans. Commonsense shows that the reality of the oppression and near genocide taking place on the ground will be dealt with by Zimbabweans, organising properly to end the ongoing national mess. But so long as the donations arrive from outside, all commonsense will be ignored by the same 'educated idiots' who have certain national profile, in favour of expelling yet more cries for help, when no international ‘help’ will ever come.
On 28 June 2008, Zimbabweans will be within their rights to begin a new process of national liberation; no longer beholden to any false sense of eternal gratitude to a failing, perennial opposition personality cult and no longer paralysed by false situational analysis that military dictatorships bow out due to nice sounding words and lofty ideals alone.
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