The recent acts of brutality in South Africa exposed the economic, social and political weakness and vulnerability of many within the Diaspora. This post seeks to present ideas as to WHY and HOW the community might pool their talents and resources as an organized 'bloc' that has the ability to pool resources, invest in and own assets and add value to the national and 'international' brand.
Ask any number of people living within the diaspora and they will tell you the same two things, that 1) The diaspora like the rest of the nation is full of talent and under utilized potential; 2) that all that potential can be pooled and put to great use if only people would get together and organize among themselves .
It is important to recognise five things 1) Talk is cheap; this is about prompting people to actively partake of productive actions 2) Good time management and good ideas are valuable assets 3) Having a long term national vision; the desire to create a national owner enterprise culture is an equal to the short to medium term goals of earning money as someone elses must be mindful however how to ballance each set of ideas for a productive end 4) The political situation in Zimbabwe will not last forever. We will not impress upon anyone the latest inflation figures or talk about the addition or subtraction of one zero or twenty from the currency. As much as people now fling themselves into partisan political camps, this series of posts is about solution via the creation of politically neutral social-economic institions. History shows us that eventually its the money that has the power. All political turmoil makes way for economic monopoly and exploitation as also shown by the number of multinational companies, and the various foreign governments (SWF) waiting to gain an economic advantage in Zimbabwe once all the political troubles are over 5) The globalized world is moving on and places of significance are only available to those who are ready and willing and organized enough to take them...
Nationally Zimbabweans are going through a very tough time but opportunities for growth exists and others can be created; to facilitate the emergeance of a greater nation rising out of the ashes of a now failing political status quo.
As strange as it may seem...the community does have a choice, to become leaders in Africa and the rest of the world, or give in to dire circumstance and follow so many others, trapped in a social political rut as yet another independent African state that is heavily dependent on aid and charity. Zimbabwe moving through the world with begging bowl in hand, without any motivation or means to completely turn away from such an undignified and unnecessary state of existence.
How to organise is based upon investing in ideas and projects that come from those innovators that exist within many of the familiar institutions that are already within our midst, church groups, family genius, existing or fledgling business ventures...individual entrepreneurship.
Why we dont organise is often based upon an attitude of mistrust and the fact that many now place more value in the psychology of the 'short-term gain' seeking hustler, and overlook the vision and the long term program of the astute business profressional.
Over the years a culture of corruption and patronage has undermined genuine enterprise culture. Skill and ability within business and community organisation have been downgraded in favour of nepotism and seeking favours due to loyalty to some chef or another. Thus what people know is deemed less important that who they were connected to. The result of this being that a few gained much in a culture that rewarded its own wrong doing rather than properly good, sound ideas.
The effect of a culture of political patronage has been to produce a nation that no longer believes in ability as the foremost route to success. A culture that fails to understand that human society is a fragile eco-system that functions or falls based upon the quality of its management structures and institutions.
Instead of a society based upon ability we have state sponsored incongruity, a system created to serve the interests of a tiny parasitic minority at the expsense of the vast majority. An 'every man for himself' - dog eat dog culture that fails to take stock of its dangerous inability to produce its own material wants or serve its own maintenance needs. It is a sin born of the OPFOR regimes incompetence and lack of experience of civilian governance. Inexperience covered up with profligate displays of commercial spending sprees, constant political paranoia and obscene bouts of violence to silence critics. A pipe bursts, it remains burst, a generator fails it remains broken, a rubbish pile mounts up it remains uncollected and unprocessed...a health service deteriorates it remains dysfunctional...A manufacturing base crumbles..private capital or foreign nations will deal with it. Cash in hand rather than innovation and skill is now king. If the solution cant be bought it... the issue will remain neglected and in a state of disrepair...
The one arguement in favour of the 28 years of the OPFOR regime, is that it created one of the most educated populations in Africa. Part of the reason why many fellow African nations are said to be reacting so slowly to the ongoing crisis is that Zimbabwe's downfall has benefitted many of them in terms of inputs of skilled labour. Be that as it may; the question remains... why make so much of Zimbabwe's great education system or business class under the OPFOR regime, when that same education system and same business class was not used properly to serve the needs of the nation? Surely the point of educating the populace is not merely to satisfy the boastful ego of politicians. What happened to giving people the ability to turn around a crumbling economy and infrastructure? What empirical standard makes party loyalty more important than national efficiency? Where was the sense in offering commercial farms or businesses to people that have no skill as commercial farmers or business owners?
The OPFOR regime claim that these acts safeguard a black racial heritage, while its militias brutilize, torture and kill fellow Africans for voting against the regime. Violating the very idea of one person one vote that so many died for during the liberation war.
In reaction to this, the official opposition has responded with a protest model that at certain levels uses the economic downturn as a weapon and uses the helplessness and destitution caused by OPFOR profligacy as a main tool to beat the regime in front of the court of internaional opinion. The greater the level of suffering on display, so the arguement goes, the greater the moral case against the OPFOR. 80% unemployment, hunger, a fall in life expectancy...these are now political tools rather than issues to be addressed immediately. This strategy of using the misfortune of others for gain has bred what many refer to as a donor money dependency culture. Highlight an issue, write a funding plan, seek finances. So long as the crisis exists the cash will flow.
Within this framework the crisis has become a money spinner for various parties; some Zimbabweans have becme a new level of mercantile opportunist feeding off the nation's misery. Alongside these a wealth of crisis orientated 'save Zimbabwe' charities and NGOs and individuals have gained materially or forwarded dubious political agendas entering Zimbabwe claiming to cater to the ongoing destitution and substituting the role of government rather than offering the people freedom through schemes that deliver econmic agency or helping them to demand the services that the government offered to uphold and provide within its manifesto.
Sadly it is common knowledge that certain personalities within the opposition have gained or stand to gain significantly financially from the global backlash against the regime; thus it is no real surprise that no sense of social responsibility, or care, or economic interest has been displayed by the leadership in the form of building up the community via strong economic organization. When asked about this the answer always given, is that it is not the responsibility of the opposition to carry out any of the functions of government while not in the role of government. It is stressed that it is for the OPFOR regime to act in the government role materially, even though the basis of all opposition to the OPFOR regime is that it is illegitimate in its role as a government.
The worsening economic situation was used to over ride the earlier arguements of political legitimacy, it was to be an irresistable weapon used to create a critical mass of public resentment within the country. The plan failed on two accounts, the OPFOR smashed the urban protest base during Operation Murambatsvina - Operation Drive Out Trash or Operation Drive Out Rubbish), also officially known as Operation Restore Order, is a large scale Zimbabwean government campaign to forcibly clear urban 'slum' areas across the country. The campaign started in 2005 and according to United Nations estimates has affected at least 2.4 million people. OPFOR officials characterize the operation as a crackdown against illegal housing and commercial activities, and as an effort to reduce the risk of the spread of infectious disease in these areas. Along with this many of Zimbabwe's workers elected to vote with their feet and leave the country rather than stay and fight.
We are told that OPFOR regime assets have been frozen and that a US$ 2 billion reconstruction package exists once the OPFOR regime has been removed. However what prevents anyone building up the diaspora community as an economic base that surpasses the power of the OPFOR financially?
The issue at hand is that no one that cares should be satisfied with this level of wasted national potential.
Why flaunt shallow bought western consumer style as the eptiome of wealth within a developing nation, knowing that behind it there is absolutely no substance nor development? What is African Independence beyond an indulgence in Western consumerism; with no means, ideas or ability to manufacture or decide any of our needs, or maintain any of our required systems?
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