little man versus big machine

Operation Mavoterapapi (how did you vote)

Operation Mavoterapapi (how did you vote)
free and fair elections = MDC funders MONEY vs Zanu GUNS / violence

Thursday, 30 December 2010


So much has occurred between the post in March and this final post of 2010.

I am blessed to have learnt much blessed to still have something left to fight with come 2011.

I think the greatest lesson I realised regarding the struggle in the first decade of the 21st Century is that Zimbabwe wont survive without..... HONESTY.

The end result more political mire and sins of omission and commission.

A great country is being betrayed reduced by too much dishonesty ... too many people with short sighted, short term, selfish, self serving agendas at play. Usually either based on cowardice or greed.

(I wrote the piece below in response to an article on another blog - I think its apt)


Why else look back and reflect over issues?

A freedom struggle is an intellectual and practical 'arms race' between the forces deemed the cause of oppression / suppression and the oppressed.

THE PROBLEM in Zimbabwe is that a natural process of protest and change was hijacked and artificially infused with the anger of some over the land issue and the opportunistic greed of big powers seeking to control the nations resources. .

The peoples agenda for broadbased freedoms -begun years earlier- against policies like ESAP/(HIPC) and the one party state agenda; has now been put second by parties using the crisis and political prostitution to get money and status.
There have been ZERO corresponding lasting gains for the country. There have been no increases in THE RULE OF LAW with the increasing waistlines or bank balances.

The selfish ECONOMIC AGENDA of foreign powers mixed with self serving individualism has created a clever, well resourced hope and change talking monster that has usurped the real struggle.

- What this has done is corrupt a revolutionary process in terms of strategic thinking and infusion of effective personnel -all binned- in favour of retaining people and ideas that served the new masters economic agenda best.

Who was watching the setting up of so many donor funded individuals and groups who on the surface opposed Mugabe as the forefront of a mass popular movement called MUGABE MUST GO - but on closer inspection proved straw men with no real foundation or vision for Zimbabwes 'freedom'?
WHAT SENSIBLE STRATEGY is in the hands of a 'faux' manufactured opposition that is MORE loyal to the desires of its outside elite donors than the needs and protection of the Zimbabean people?...

their existence (funding, ideas base) rests with the donors rather than any evolutionary process of greater efficiency of leadership or ideas renewal.(Why do they use foreign 'consultants' as advisers - while excluding so many Zimbabweans?) The elite interference dis-empowers the peoples mandate and agency - Zanu playing nationalist hero stating to deal directly with the organ grinder rather than the Zimbabwean proxy...where is the peoples legitimate voice?

Zimbabwes false struggle is based upon a cover of anti 'HUMAN RIGHTS' abuse that allows the regime new life and power - WHAT genuine human rights campaigners NEED increased amounts of peoples suffering -for years- to boost their own international political profiles and profit margins ...What genuine human rights advocates talk of 'non-violence' while seeking to get to State House riding on the back of stage-managed public anger and manipulating civil strife?
What is sensible or 'peace loving' about sending civilians against a military regime - just so one can score democratic propaganda points?

The two branches of the forces supposedly challenging the incumbency (the owners and their proxies) have appropriated positions where their blunders and mistakes dont really affect them so in terms of issues like the REFERENDUM and other issues if their failures dont affect them why should they care about the QUALITY of their planning or decision making?

The CFR / Western hegemony (the true chefs) - are indifferent because they live a long way away from the suffering their meddling creates.

The opposition chefs dont care because their money/survival doesn't depend on any political effectiveness - they are the trusted employees the foreign powers African Karzais, good 'yes-men' and megaphones. Opposition supporters are human rights cannon fodder there to be incited but never prudently organised or protected.

It isnt about challenging Mugabe using constant blundering and fumbling - the issue is their inability to stop a seeming years old legacy of blundering and fumbling.

Tuesday, 30 March 2010


The issue here in probably the shortest ZimINS post is to ask why are people always reacting but are never proactive? The regime has obvious intentions towards entrenching and regaining power through force. The build up of forces and looting has been going on for months ever since negotiations started post 2008 elections.

It would be easy to call it a case of ostriches burying heads in the sand and people living in a state of paralysis and denial; unfortunately re the Zimbabwe issue the path of ousting of the OPFOR regime rests on the fixed econmic agendas of the international bosses passed on to the population through their fake 'pro democracy' hired proxies.

Is the regime invincible? NO...The issue is who opposes the regime and the agendas they serve.

Tuesday, 22 December 2009


No real change is taking place in Zimbabwe due to the fact that the real deals are going on in secret out of the public view.

A myriad of self serving hidden agendas and cover-ups. Zimbabwe Libre is at the centre of a new Scramble for Africa. The years have moved on from Berlin 1884-85 the powers involved have changed; but the greed and the use of African proxies and puppets being there to subdue the masses while a few elites get richer remains constant.

MDC chefs for all their rhetoric about CHINJA are beneficiaries of the Zimbabwe crisis (donor fund eating puppets of foreign interests); along with being beneficiaries of the political fudge that created the hybrid called 'the GNU'(watered own stooges on the same gravy train as the tyranny).

The MDC leadership gets away with it due to a culture of cult worship, clientelism myopia and make believe that runs through that party. The entire 'opposition pretence' is as bad but MDC is mentioned because as Zimbabweans we have placed too many hopes for liberation with a group of frauds charlatans and opportunists and have not demanded to seek the results or the books. Our agency and sense of national responsibility to liberate ourselves is on the shelf.

Remember when things began, all the talk was all about the dictatorship is bad as it is a HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATOR? Well even with the GNU in place the dictatorship is still a human rights violator but that issue has been swept under the carpet and the noise replaced by one pretence about 'economic stability and progress'.

Its pointless to ask how you can have this so called 'economic stability' while the top looters remain entrenched, you will not get an answer. It is also pointless to ask where the stability is when the Military junta (JOC)is as firmly entrenched as ever.
The opposition visualize the dictatorship as a traditional 'political establishment NOT a corporate / military operation, NOT as a centralized business process that operates on basic economic and technological principles.

The tyranny uses the dishonesty of its opponents to recruit new business partners and foot soldiers and retain "support staff", negotiate for and purchase supplies, and to regroup. Their opponents still believe when the Dear Leader dies elections will sweep them into power.
They dont refer to the past for any future study, they dont review the last games from 2002-2008, and know how to gain or use 'leverage'.

In a post last year, the blog stated the tyranny that leverages past guerilla experience prototyping it into the civilian arena and 'swarming' principles.

The bad news is that you wont get those benefitting from the presence of the tyranny learning these lessons and approaching the issue in a different light. The bad news is that this model of "phoney warfare" is waged against the people not by or for the people. It creates a false idea of security that is easily spread regarding what change really means and what it invloves.

History is required reading for anyone wanting to gain a deeper understanding. Don't read it though and the cycle of raised false hopes and crushing disappointments that serve to make a greedy few rich will continue indefinitely.

It's sure to keep you awake.

Monday, 21 December 2009


Politicians and diapers must be changed often and usually for the same reason.

Thursday, 10 December 2009


Someone once said, “There is no prison built by a mere mortal that man can not break out of!”

He was wrong.

The strongest prison walls are not always the physical walls we can see and climb over. They are the mental walls in our heads.

The status quo is not the only game in town but when you have shut your mind to everything, boxed yourself in, then of course they become the only game in town.

Tuesday, 8 December 2009

"I have to study politics and war, so that my children can study mathematics and philosphy"

You can jail a revolutionary but you cant jail the revolution. You can run a freedom fighter around the country but you cant run freedom fighting around the country. You can murder a liberator but you cant murder liberation.

Friday, 4 December 2009


Its an issue of ‘priority’…

Once upon a time the ‘assumed priority’ was that a struggle was taking place that would bring about the total freedom of the nation, the removal of a corrupt dictatorship that loots the national future in order to sustain a criminal presence in the present.

MDC presented itself as a party with the credible personnel, with ideas and methodology to remove that tyranny and offer a ‘new Zimbabwe’

But its easy to look good when you have no real track record and the only policies one has are finger pointing. Over time the public saw the truth and the ‘priority’ of struggle began to change 1) the forceful promises of regime change were exposed as empty rhetoric and lies spouted to garner mass public support and 2) the personnel / ideas department of the MDC proved no match against the Zanu mafia.

Swap peoples desperation for change/ (remember CHINJA). Present it as the ‘popularity’ of the MDC ‘dear leader’.

Such was the depth of their donor funded fallacy and hallucination that MDC chefs believed any poor standard of leadership was acceptable (plans? who needs plans they often crowed)

The priority became to entrench yet another unquestioned and unchallenged political gang… to hell with the hopeful gullible Zimbabwean public.

Remember when the infighting began, it wasnt over how best to serve the people but over power. People were being driven from their homes MDC was infighting. Power corrupts and is so sweet. It was about clinging to position. Who was there to challenge the new ‘dear leader’?

PRIORITY…changed to hell with the people or rule of law, get the resources and the money.

The democratic forces were proving opportunistic and inept but who wants to go back to having nothing having tasted the donor funded perks of the eternal Zimbabwe crisis. The political circus of hangers on playing golf with their Western string pullers?

Knowing that a growing wave of doubters had seen that they were no match for the Zanu killers and looters… MDC leadership from 2005 put out feelers of ‘if you cant beat them join them’ to the Zanu mafia.
These nefarious deals culminating in things like the GNU, the Kariba Draft and other dodgy secret dealings that divided Zimbabwe economically and politically like a cake among the various elites. “We will not negotiate in public”. They cried.
So long as it was the ordinary people that suffered but the -money men- got paid the elites could wage their phoney war for power for eternity.

The ‘new priority’ cling to political power make sure the people would never to be priority beneficiaries of the Zimbabwean economy.


Move time on from the heady days of 1999 and we see an MDC changing the liberation goal posts.
Having been backed by Western owners MDC chefs ‘priority’ is returning the profits of that investment to their foreign handlers.

The ECONOMY is touted as a ‘success’ while the looters remain and new corporate vultures appear. A ‘success’ and yet the finance minister talks of “85% of his country’s citizens… drowning in poverty”.

Morgan unable to complete that original task of freeing the country from top to bottom indulges in self deception, lies and make believe. Advisors cheerleading the pretence with unwarrented over optimism.


In the full light of day its become apparent that for the new party elites ‘the struggle’ is about 4X4s, Mercs, perks, political survival, status and more perks. Zimbabwe has a new army of Vasco Da Gamas in its new ‘dear leader’ and others to the tune of US$28 million worth of travel floating on the sea of 85% poverty.

weapons blog

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JIU JITSU / human weapon



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Special Forces: SAS part 1

OPFOR Fire Force Tactics / AK re-assembly


Tactical scope: game

Tactical scope: game
The longer a bullet is in flight the slower it begins to travel and the more it loses altitude. This is called "the drop". A hunter takes into account the drop, the temperature, barometric pressure and wind direction and velocity when lining up a money shot. Over distance you want to have your crosshairs above the target. The bullet will then "drop" where you want it.

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Adinkra Symbol - DWENNIMMEN

Adinkra Symbol - DWENNIMMEN
Pan-African News & Business Magazine

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new african magazine

the economist





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truth versus mind control

truth versus mind control
"I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire. The man who controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire and I control the British money supply."...Nathan Rothschild [1777~1836] Financier, Founder of Rothschild banking dynasty

"...what foolery to be toasting an 'independent press.' We are tools, and the vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are jumping-jacks. They pull the strings and we dance. Our time, our talents, our lives, our possibilities, all are the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes"...John Swinton Chief Editorial Writer of the New York Times when asked to toast an 'Independent Press'

The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. [T]he capacity to assert social and political control over the individual will vastly increase. It will soon be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and to maintain up-to-date, complete files, containing even most personal information about the health or personal behavior of the citizen in addition to more customary data. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities."...Zbigniew Brzezinski 'Between Two Ages'
