Some regulars may have been wondering ...’WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON WITH THE SITE?????????’. Visitors wont know the feeling of loss quite so badly but since the last post on 28 July much has gone on as much as its all stayed the same.
For a while the blog posts were more graphic in nature as they say a picture says a thousand words, but not every sentiment can be expressed by a visual image.
For a while the blog posts were more graphic in nature as they say a picture says a thousand words, but not every sentiment can be expressed by a visual image.
Anyway because of the events back in Zim. The pretence of power sharing talks that some wanted to turn into power transfer talks which resulted in there being no talks. People took their foot off the gas peddle and their eye off the ball.
Not to say attention was not being paid to issues or events more that you gotta give people time to know when a dead end is a dead end and in relation to the struggle in Zimbabwe people won’t begin any serious fight back until they realise the whole nature of the feudalist OPFOR and neo-liberal OPPOSITION game being played at their expense.
Anyway this particular piece is about people power...More importantly about the power that folks must claim from politicians and big business and all the other opportunist vultures waiting in the wings to pluck at the rich pickings of a post liberation Zimbabwe.
The word here is AGENCY...the ability of people to break out of the status quo 'mindless' field and think and do for self.
It is a well known fact that most of Africa must break the patronage system and the dependency culture; the idea of creating a culture of small business owners fails to materialise within most minds short of as an extension of the eternal cycle of more charity and dependency.
In the first 10 years of the struggle against dictatorship there has been an economic meltdown caused by both OPFOR corruption but also by politically inspired economic sanction like ZDERA. The issue here being one raised before... that a country may fail within a period of time but why did the national coherence of Zimbabweans turn towards rank opportunism and detachment so quickly. In the first 6 months of 2008 starvation is a grave concern affecting many within the country, the OPFOR dismissed many NGOs that were feeding people and this was seen as the issue. Yet how human is it to let yourself starve to death waiting for help that may never come, merely because that was the assumed and constant direction of help yesterday?
On the surface the problem is known and the answer is aid...but aid creates dependency so can a remedy with a worse side efffect really be a cure? Independence is more than aid alone.
On the surface the problem is known and the answer is aid...but aid creates dependency so can a remedy with a worse side efffect really be a cure? Independence is more than aid alone.
I recommend that something has taken place that has changed the fundamental character of our culture into something new, something worse. I would argue that at a certain level Zimbabweans in the main are business minded. In fact, the death of the ‘formal sector’ and its rapid conversion into an informal economy of ‘cash barons’, ‘get rich quick’ middle men and opportunistic short termist wheeler dealers should be required study for every business student.
the Zimbabwe insurgency argues that this rapid switch from citizen to chaotic character willing to feed upon itself outlines the reasons for the greatest failing and gives a plan which, if followed, will significantly decrease the probability of faltering in the future.The crux of this argument is that each person literally divorced themselves from responsibility when what was needed was to think through every operation and ultimately set themselves and their environment up the way franchises do. Can you use the field you plough for food as your toilet? Of course not, yet over the past decades we have learnt that the only method of survival is one where people destroy the very environment that is meant to sustain them culminating in an externalisation process.
A society thrives through the correct use and interpretation of just on word – ORGANISATION.
Can we really find comfort if we have yet to come to terms with the nature of our own insecurity and the levels of destructiveness we are willing to create or accept in the pursuit of a state of survival we claim is living?
Can we really find comfort if we have yet to come to terms with the nature of our own insecurity and the levels of destructiveness we are willing to create or accept in the pursuit of a state of survival we claim is living?