little man versus big machine

Operation Mavoterapapi (how did you vote)

Operation Mavoterapapi (how did you vote)
free and fair elections = MDC funders MONEY vs Zanu GUNS / violence

Monday, 26 May 2008

DEFENCE UNITS ARE NEEDED...How the philosophy of peaceful NON-VIOLENCE is KILLING Us ~ Part 2

Yesterday was a date in the calender that many refer to as Africa Day.

As with many named dates and occaisions that earmark celebratory days refering to the Motherland; the rhetoric of revolution and liberation must be held seperate from the reality of continued material inequality, neo-liberal exploitation and internal division and repression.

After more than six decades of so called 'independence' Africa is very far from being free and far too many of her children have chosen to sup with the very devils causing the continent so many ills rather than be confident and stand up for themselves.

It is a painful yet necessary step to recall the sacrifices made over the years by so many freedom fighters throughout the continent and in the wider Diaspora...

Let us all pause for a moment so we might ask ourselves what have we done with their legacy.

A moment of reflection so Africa's modern sons and daughters can that we are in the 21st Century and fully aware of the mistakes and gains of the past, where are we going?

When will the self-hate and collaboration with our enemies end?
When will the much needed new liberation struggle begin?

Our continued belief in all manner of Eurocentric ideology, or religious Arabization..or looking East for easy solutions rather than believing in ourselves as Africans; these things will not save us.

A continued reliance on corrupt inefficient political systems and clueless, greedy politicians will not save us.

Hiding behind religious myths imposed on our minds and souls by pagan, godless colonizers and the destructive addiction to selfish dog-eat-dog materialism.

These things will not save us.

However a firm belief that we have a duty to elevate Mama Africa and have yet to see the best of ourselves is an aspiration that is worth fighting for; with everything we have and it will save us.

Indeed many news worthy events took place on the 25th May 2008.

But in so many ways Africa still remains to be lifted out of bondage...

Thursday, 22 May 2008

DEFENCE UNITS ARE NEEDED - How the philosophy of peaceful NON-VIOLENCE is KILLING Us ~ Part 1

Over the next two posts we shall discuss the thorny issue of 'non-violence'; both in relation to its context and with regards to its practical use in the liberation struggle for a new Zimbabwe.

Please note this is not a mindless rant against the theory of a peaceful change process; it is a point saying every idea is useful; until it proves more dangerous to those using it than the alternatives.

Machiavelli once stated..."For among other evils which being unarmed brings you, it causes you to be despised..."

Being 'unarmed' causes you to be despised...Yet why would that be the case?

We can ask endless questions about the events in SA where our people and others were attacked.

Why are the poor continuously being incited to fight the poor? Who is to be held accountable as the source of this raging violence in South Africa ?

We could spend hours and days asking these questions; they might get answers but we will still have no remedy.

We could offer precise political / sociological analysis... Such as provided by

Zimbabweans are the second largest group displaced after Mozambicans. The number of deaths vary but Mozambicans are the largest group, then Zimbabweans then Malawians. So far 42 foreigners have been killed but we are not sure how many of them are Zimbabweans – that’s for the past 11 days only. Otherwise the number will go to 60 to 70 if you include from the beginning of the year. The number will significantly increase if you include the 400 Somalians who have been killed ... The apartheid propaganda taught South Africans to think that they were better than anyone... It seems the coming of democracy never changed this perception ...when they see foreigners doing things better ... The hate of foreigners was implanted in them ... They were also taught self hate, to loathe the black skin ...they are still trapped in that time warp. This blah blah of resources has nothing to do with it, The South African govt has perpetuated this ...their abuse of foreigners for a long time ... their Home Affairs and police departments... have been rated the worst in human rights abuses against foreigners – training South Africans that you could do what u want to a foreigner and you would not be held accountable.

Indeed it will give us valuable insight, but again no real remedy.

Here at the Zimbabwe insurgency blog we argue the far simpler point... that in nature, the weakest, the most powerless and the most defenceless are always the ones victimized.

Why were poor Africans set upon rather than the real problem makers ...the corporate culprits and the corrupt politicians???

Let us be clear our modern human society exists at two levels, there is the level of fiction, the nice sounding pluralistic rhetoric of democracy and 'rainbow nations', the oft pronounced UN ideal of utopian human brotherhood.

Then there is the level of fact the mundane grind and savage reality of dog eat dog... everyday life.

An example of this division between the rhetoric and the reality is the influence of Western capitalism on Africa's Independence...we are constantly told of its merits, it is the social economic system that shapes our world and drives our aspirations (even the socialists bow to it without any viable system of their own).

Every day we Africans shut off our brains and are lulled closer to our end by the sweet sounding rhetoric of wealth creation, growth and progress...HOWEVER...look below the sugar coated surface and you will see the reality; that at many levels the hybrid spawned of this synergy of cultures is one of the most inequitable, shallow, brutal, inhumane and savage systems ever produced.

But one thing CAPITALISM does do, is it clearly sets the divide between ....the POWERFUL and the POWERLESS.

When we talk of DEFENCE UNITS we do not just mean military units alone...We mean defence (treating fellow Africans with respect and not viewing each other with colonialisms eyes as threats, competition; or as an inferior species), economic defence ...(what are Zimbabweans doing thinking they are safe living in South African slums when other communities organize economically and live in well guarded suburbs?); political defence ...(creating institutional safeguards against ANY type of Executive tyranny)

Have we been crying to OTHERS for help for so long, that we have forgotten how to truely help ourselves?

Everyone has watched over the past few weeks how the US ambassador James McGee was treated by the OPFOR security forces compared to how ordinary Zimbabweans are treated at home and abroad.

As much as the OPFOR regime want to destroy this man, they are too scared to touch him. A regime that kills and tortures its own population with impunity... scared of one man???? WHY????

THE SHORT ANSWER IS THAT this man represents POWER ...My brothers and sisters POWER - IS POWER - IS POWER and it is not messed with.

This world has a pecking order...

Zimbabweans suffer because for years the educated idiots inside and outside the opposition have failed to set up any alternative defence, or welfare, or economic infrastructure for the people.

Whilst getting their copious amounts of donor funding from their COLOUR REVOLUTION sponsors ...they have preached the same foolish foolish gospel; that elections organized by the military dictatorship will bring the desired change.

That ...'powerlessness and victimhood sells...that all Zimbabweans must do is display our corpses and broken bodies and great suffering to the world and it will buy international sympathy and the more of that we have; the closer we get to freedom' ABSOLUTE RUBBISH.

...WE ARE POWERFUL PEOPLE NOT POWERLESS VICTIMS...we want A NEW ZIMBABWE to ARISE... then let us work HONESTLY AND FEARLESSLY to achieve it... Acting accordingly to safeguard our freedoms.

Monday, 19 May 2008


If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy. James Madison

Thursday, 15 May 2008

Beating up Aged Parents and Small Children

I awoke this morning finding myself having to comment upon the kidnapping of the parents of an exiled MDC official and a much publicised attack on a small child.

The lines....the Zanu PF mob stormed their Nyakatondo village around 8pm and tied up their 79-year old father and 76-year old mother using wire. Several other family members were frog-marched to a torture camp at Nyakatondo Primary School... in particular making me wonder what makes us seem to forget common decency, it also made me wonder if people think about where their actions are leading to?

It comes as no surprise that the run-off in Zimbabwe’s presidential election due this month was put off yesterday until as late as July-August, the announcement of the delay prompting the opposition to accuse the OPFOR of trying to buy time for a crackdown.

To anyone seriously studying the events over the past decade; the goings on centred around the flawed election process of 29/03/08 should come as no surprise.

The real surprise however, is why the opposition to the OPFOR continue to stubbornly hold onto a myopic philosophy that insists that the OPFOR regime will level the playing field and hand over power without a serious fight.
All the evidence over the past 10 years shows them clinging desperately onto power...They have said over and over and over that they have no intention of ceding and in the present case of the 'run-off', they are again using torture, intimidation and murder as a means of highlighting their level of resolve.

Many people within the opposition say that they are following a moral and principled path. A 'legal', 'constitutional' and 'democratic' route towards change in order to avoid wide spread chaos and violence. A route which sets them above the violence prone OPFOR regime.

the ZIMBABWE insurgency response to that point is that, that is all well and good if you are trying to win a popularity contest, or a beauty competition; however power struggles are not based upon anything but harsh realism.

The OPFOR regime announcement on 12/05/08 that there will be no 'run-off' until the economic sanctions that skew the electoral playing field away from their party and in the oppositions favour are lifted; is a statement that sums up the nature of the polemic and speaks to the nature of the fact that the 'violence' many speak against is not just a physical phenomenon.

When the OPFOR regime talk of sanctions and opposition they also mean of course the larger powers they accuse of seeking regime change in Zimbabwe...

Statements of funding support and the oft repeated statement by Chester Crocker, the former Secretary of State for African Affairs in the Reagan administration, who in a foreign policy testimony to the US Senate in 2001, said "to separate the Zimbabwean people from Zanu-PF we are going to have to make their economy scream, and I hope you senators have the stomach for what you have to do"... feed ammunition into the OPFOR propaganda weapon.

Looking at the various images the economic hardships, the state sponsored terrorism, it struck me (along with the news regarding the murder of the teachers), that power struggles cannot be hidden and Zimbabwe is no exception. One side is using economic violence and propaganda without physical force. While the other side is using economic violence along with propaganda and physical force.

The OPFOR regime claims to be defending itself and Zimbabwe's national soveriegnty, against internal enemy forces, that are sponsored by external foreign handlers.
As part of its 'defence' policy it has set about carrying out a purge, separating 'loyalist' Zimbabweans from what it percieves to be 'traitors' and 'sell-outs'...

(Please study this article to gain an insight into the OPFOR psychology)

It is important to separate the methods used from the mentality of the people using those methods. A savage act can be spawned within an insecure mind that hates criticism; just as easily as such ideas can come from a homicidal type of mind that is sociopathic for any number of unaddressed reasons. It is important to know the root from where such things spring from.

The OPFOR claims justification in its acts of madness; the true Zimbabwe resistance needs to understand their method.

A method used for many years that wilfully dismisses ALL ideas of respect and manners and tradition.

In short they are operating at a level of psychology and culture, that must be fully understood by we who oppose them.

One of the gravest errors continuously made by the Zimbabwean opponents of the OPFOR regime and their outside supporters is that of no effective strategy.

(For the purpose of a clear analysis it is important that we separate Zimbabweans opposed to the OPFOR regime from foreign interests, it is Zimbabweans suffering on the frontline so ALL methods used must cater to their welfare.)

After years of falling into obvious and predictable traps, years of having no effective operating procedure, years of denying that any real power struggle exists. The opponents of the OPFOR still believe and see only the hope that they want to believe in, rather than appraising the actual reality on the ground and forming real plans.

The consequence is best summed up by a saying that goes... how can you play to win if you dont want to recognise the true nature of the game?

It is not a sign of morality or strength to constantly lead opposition supporters into costly situations against an organised and well lead OPFOR meat grinder...That is in fact a sign of structural and planning weakness and mendacity on the part of the 'colour revolution' planners.

Reports from South Africa of Zimbabweans being attacked and mistreated are nothing new; for a month AFTER the flawed election some opposition leaders have claimed to be on a diplomatic mission to support a peaceful regime transition (The mis-timed statements regarding the international criminal court notwithstanding).
The question here being how much of that time was spent delving into the concerns of ordinary people? Why would reports come from Zimbabwe stating that opposition supporters were looking for direction and leadership if it was present?

With leaders blinded by a hunger for power, and all too many ordinary members locked in states of denial, over confidence, blind faith, false hope, or desperate groundless optimism; the opposition is left with far too many minds that are closed and far too many ears that are plugged to any commonsense, by the constant drone of their own ..."the end is near, the regime is beaten, the international community is watching", empty rhetoric.

Had their analysts been less clouded from constantly seeking and offering endless excuses and defensive answers for obvious failures, things would not be where they are today.

One can say that their most dangerous failing however, is thinking that they are dealing with a civilian administration that will negotiate with them; rather than with a military authority that thinks nothing of killing them.

These are issues that have been spoken of in the past and will be touched upon at greater length in future posts.

The main point remains that by brutilizing old people and children the OPFOR regime forgets that all worldly power is held only for fleeting moments in time...that all worldly power fades away eventually.

In any struggle the advantage is with those seeking revolution for the simple reason that all change is inevitable.

Reading that old people have been taken to a torture camp; shows that its time for some people to pause and consider what they are really doing. When this is all over, many will say they were just following orders or too afraid to opt out...

The important thing to never forget, is that which ever side you claim to fight on, we come from a culture of respect, where respect should always be offered to our old people just as care should always be given to our young people in Zimbabwe.

The disrespect shown within these series of events is a clear sign that as much as Zimbabwe may be surrounded by enemies; the greatest enemies of our nation are those power hungry individuals among us, who dont see the need to respect their past through the respect for our old people and dont care for our future via their brutalization of our youth.

Tuesday, 13 May 2008

WHY - WHAT - WHO -WHEN and HOW...To Save a Nation.

One of the differences found within theZIMBABWEinsurgency blog, is that the posts are largely concerned with looking into WHY events occur, along with any possible consequences; far more than just looking at WHAT events took place.

Current affiars sections are hosted at the top and bottom of the site, but this site does not merely exist for the purposes of broadcasting the news.

This site could be dedicated to presenting the same endless circular issues like...
continuing the the illusion that a final opposition victory will come via the so called 'run-off'...or the endless number crunching of the ‘%’ figures of a known flawed (rigged), election process; or the latest harsh or empty rhetoric of this or that political actor, who is seeking or clinging onto power...

Indeed it would be easy to follow the present journalistic trend that somehow manages to turn the endless stream of distraction into media for the masses; but whose interests does this type of reporting and commentary serve?

Many people interested in seeking genuine positive changes know that any real redemption cant be gained by people merely seeking to highlight events that impact at the surface level of the Zimbabwean social political scene.

They know that the root of our troubles exist at the level of the individual and national psyche and must be challenged there.

Merely commenting in a partisan 'knee-jerk reaction', format or just seeing the tip of the proverbial iceberg while ignoring the depths is wholly insufficient to the task at hand.

Thus the simple justification for this stance is that whereas other Zimbabwe orientated sites chase particular news events within Zimbabwe one tragic, or exterior issue at a time, (often themselves getting caught within the surge of partisan bias, subjectivity, or emotion; often becoming part of the overall circus) Our mission is to always view things from a step back seeking a level of analytical objectivity.

We are not bystanders, the stunned audience of some sick reality T.V. show entitled 'Death of the Nation.'

We believe that we Zimbabweans are our own liberators, that far too often, the fighting elephants ignore the ordinary grass under their ambitious feet. That the respective actors in the political parties are time and again exposed as working in their own elite interests to empower themselves and disempower the ordinary people.

So you could call this active popular journalism...not just watching events but making them happen also.

The danger is that when people don’t seek to have the power to make events happen, they watch events taking place and become bystanders hoping for the best, rather than the actors creating the best for themselves.
At present as far as the big picture is concerned Zimbabwe has far too many ‘bystanders’ watching the destruction of the country from positions of helplessness and detachment and self interest.

The social political issue within Zimbabwe is as dynamic as it is complex, no one is 100% in a state of inertia, the responses motives and agendas involved have created a situation that is deeper than the simple story of good versus evil, dictators versus democrats, patriots versus sell-outs that many involved would have the general public believe.

The level of exploitation and manipulation of ordinary people by political parties and the media and varied foreign interests shows the depth of this complexity and the reason behind the need to always place the ideal of a attaining a progressive Zimbabwe first in these troubled times regardless of our partisan motives or interests in order that the problem will be genuinely solved.

The issue here speaks also of the difference between a sponsored ‘Opposition’ and organised ‘Resistance’.
There are many, who for many years, have believed it is wrong to prepare for the worst-case scenario. That being a nation state controlled by a military junta...the total opposite of a nation where the Government fears the people and is a true public servant; a state where eternal public vigilance is the price of liberty.

Many people are just as aware as we are of the cultural, moral, economic and military suicidal tendency of a number of unworthy people in ALL the political parties of the constitutional republic of Zimbabwe.

Yet many still allow for the fearful or selfish 'worshipping' of our political leadership as part of some rigid, mindless personality cult or means to fulfil their grasping ambitions.

The glut of careerist, 'gravey train' riding opportunists and the near endless treasonous conspiracies of the Professional Politicians.
The brilliant, deceptive propaganda vomited at us daily by the lapdogs of the False Prophet Press; and the wilful ignorance of many on ALL sides who endlessly claim to speak for 'the people', using that phrase to destroy all critical thinking, by wielding the beating stick of an assumed tyrannical majority; as if only those individuals that support them form the entire political life of the country.

The OPFOR believe that they are onto a winner labelling the Opposition and civic society as fifth columnists backing a Western take over...While they allow Zimbabwe to be swallowed up from the East.
The OPPOSITION believe that they are onto a winner labelling the OPFOR regime and ALL Zanu PF members as the sole national problem...While they allow Zimbabwe to be swallowed up from the West.

Understand the true purpose and importance of the Resistance--the last and ultimate check against the power of ANY government that does not place Zimbabwean interests FIRST.

Hardliners on both sides seek to confuse the issue, having placed their own power and ego before any national interests. Partisan minds within ALL camps, those with most to gain from the chaos, project the idea that Zimbabwe can only be restored by educating the masses within the present system to obey only their singular party line, and be loyal to their particular party...but WHY?

This type of false Patriotism is typified in every corner of our nation when in reality the ‘follower’ mindset they hold should have been consigned to the dustbin ages ago. Ask these ‘true believers’ to painstakingly detail the abundance of illegal, manipulative, tyrannical and unjustified abuses by their own side against the people, is tantamount to blasphemy.

To go through the entire issue objectively showing them that all too few are placing the country first; that there exists positive and negative on all sides is a literally exhausting task.
So infuriating is it to find out what is really going on and to realize that one has to excavate some obscure, hard-to-find concept called an ‘open mind’ to explain the truth about one's own country.

As I mentioned, the folks in the Opposition understand the word CHANGE as an event, but do not seem to understand WHY the partisan behaviour of an unfortunately representative minority will kill the very CHANGE so often spoken about.

The OPFOR espouse the rhetoric of freedom while enslaving and brutalising the very people they claimed to have fought for...but WHY?

Most of us like to think we are intellectuals. Yet to seek success in a true revolution is to clearly seek to expose the difference between those merely seeking power and those genuinely seeking a better national dispensation...


Thursday, 8 May 2008

'tZi' stands against..."SomeONE... Must Do... SOME-THING !!!!!" - syndrome- (Why 'WE' Zimbabweans must liberate ourselves)

The two things that should worry all concerned Zimbabweans about this new struggle to liberate our nation from the OPFOR dictatorship are...

1) the POOR quality of RETURNS from the responses of ALL opposition to the OPFOR regime and...

2) that much overused statement said by Zimbabweans at home and abroad ..."SomeONE... MUST DO... SOME-THING!!!!"

The focus of this piece is the second concern.

The reason why ALL should dislike this statement is because of its debilitating affect upon the change movement...i.e. How can Zimbabweans seek to achieve any of what we seek if we dis-empower ourselves via the statements we use, that influence the mindsets we hold and the type of situational analysis we use?

As a strategy some parties in the opposition and their various backers have chosen to represent Zimbabweans as a powerless people, this serves the emotional and financial needs of a number of charitable interests.
But while Zimbabweans continue to outsource our struggle and its associate responsibilities to an overtly concerned, yet wholly uncaring and largely uninterested and impotent rest of the world we will do nothing significant for ourselves.

The idea behind the line is that some powerful 'OTHER' will come and solve the Zimbabwe issue...while in many cases we Zimbabweans disassociate ourselves from it and just get on with the business of our day to day survival.

I will qualify my statement, the struggle we face isn't based upon conflict alone, conflict is merely one means to a greater end...

The end in itself... is our right to our collective future as Zimbabweans.

The question we must ask ourselves is what responsibility do others have to securing that future and what responsibility do we have to securing it for ourselves...???

Two sayings come to mind when I consider the above point ...

The first states that ...
one should never expect others to do for you...what you are not prepared to do for yourself...But if others are prepared to be conscripted into such a task expect, to pay a high price for their services.

Within the present crisis the OPFOR seem to claim one singular advantage over the current forces of opposition; to a man they have an idea what it is that they are fighting for.(no matter how misguided by propaganda we as their opponents might feel that vision is.)

At best the opposition can offer only a form of nebulous rhetoric based on wide ranging ideals such as "change" or "to save Zimbabwe"...but what cant be answered is what those things actually look like, or whose real interests are being served.

The OPFOR regime advocates wake up every morning and see all of the ill gotten gains they stand to lose should a change of government take place and thus they have a defensive mindset which gives them a philosophy rooted in tangible things.

By turning Zimbabwe's troubles from a crisis of legitimacy of governance into a crisis founded upon humanitarian charity and economic uncertainty, the OPPOSITION sanctified the idea that Zimbabweans are largely helpless and hopeless and defenseless and that a mass exodus to pastures new was a far more valid solution than staying put and fighting for a new government and system.

This mass dispersal of potential change makers was exacerbated by the OPFOR regime pogrom of house demolitions in 2005, internal divisions which saw the focus of many in the opposition switch to narrow considerations of internal partisan politics and a lack of real depth in opposition planning and structures who outsourced their welfare role for those they were claiming to represent to a myriad of charities and NGOs, many of which are funded by dubious neo-liberal sources.

The end result being Zimbabwe is dominated by an ethos of selfishness coming from the OPFOR regime and a donor fund dependency from the side of the opposition.

The end result forming
an infectious 'everyman for himself' survival instinct.

Each point of view contributes to the progress of individuals.

Neither assists in offering Zimbabweans any sense of collective agency.

Therefore how can Zimbabwe be liberated when numbers of Zimbabweans are the opportunistic beneficiaries of the continued chaos???

..."SomeONE... MUST DO... SOME-THING!!!!"

The second saying I remember is the following...There are two great families of founders. There are the architects , those that see and have the plan, the visionaries. Then there are those who lay the first stones, the builders and workers.

In this uncertain time we need both but seem to have neither.

For all the clamour and din raised against this oppression, the sum total of all those parts of fervour and well meaning angst amounts to nothing more than a great deal of noise; it does not amount to any real change or a true vision of a way forward.

The great speeches and gestures of solidarity are silent because most are founded upon hidden motives and economic agendas, the small kindnesses and great suffering of the ordinary man and woman are overlooked or used for propaganda by both sides.

Our analysts hold no objectivity, their subjective views merely take us around in circles back to the same square one..

Their final conclusions always rooted in the idea that....Zimbabweans are risk averse and powerless...and that...
"SomeONE... MUST DO... SOME-THING!!!!"

We stand in the shadow of death, yet the issue concerns many of us only as fleeting moments.

For years we have been on display...paraded on the international ongoing act in the international circus; a tragic-comedy, a play that seems to have no end.

Our journey through this horror regularly posted online and in the media in near pornographic images of suffering and violence and stereotypes...

Our stoic reaction to the destruction used by some and abused by others, ridiculed by many and admired the world over by only a select few.

There is no structure or coherence.

Yet sitting within the heart of the OPFOR regime, comfortable within State House, the dear leader exists, hated yet revered.

The fearful and yet for some, lavish existence created around his narcissistic, yet insecure self image, shaken but not stirred by recent events.

Within him... there is nothing but a vast emptiness, it is the same desolation projected outwards in which we are all now trapped today, all of us now so lost.

Waiting ...
"SomeONE... MUST DO... SOME-THING!!!!"

For years we have lied, we lived, danced, ran, laughed, cried, died; made signs and gestures within the confines of the space we thought was freedom...

But on closer inspection ..we see that what we thought was freedom is no such thing; only an illusion confined to the boundaries of his imagination, a space where he alone is sacred.

The Alpha and Omega...Before him there was no Zimbabwe after him there will be no Zimbabwe...

He sits in a chamber of his mansion, the room furnished with gold tables and chairs. A symbol common to dictators everywhere, a shrine to the inability to cheat ones own mortality.

The king of Zimbabwe, Robert I, who would have all those he perceives as his 'subjects' buried with him.

He remembers all of the speeches, shaking the fist, along with his vivid imagination.

The fist is his legacy, his essential and enduring contribution to national progress. Zanu PF ndeye ropa.

That is not to say that he is so far from us, Zimbabwe chose him and we keep him in his place with his court of jesters, military butchers and other sycophants, tethered to his system of patronage.

All exist under the power that Zimbabweans continue to give away.

He is grateful that so many see him as all powerful, that they see him as the giver of life and the bringer of death.
He isn't as he once was, the once sharp mind now a bit distracted; a bit hazy and lost.

Madness and tiredness and bouts of order and disorder intermingled.

The epitome of the corruption and weakness in every Zimbabwean soul, the lack of reason that makes all sin admissable so long as it is economically expedient.

That such madness should hold sway over us merely because it is opposed by a greater level of a shame.

When did men and women become so robbed of our power to act and our desire to reason freely?

Yet the King will give no apology, each culture has its madmen at the top, all humanity deserves this via those sins of commission and omission that allow liars and madmen and fools to become the heads of States.

Zimbabwe's political 'leader'... is aware of his failings and his ever growing feeling of tiredness and fragility of mind, the strings that attach him to the money men and to his JOC generals are all that hold him up on some days.

He knows there is anger...
But they have the power, bowed and dispersed and constantly outsmarted those who oppose his rule allow his existence and the continued existence of his is a tribute... a beautiful thing for the king to witness.

The fear that people have of him and his court.

For years he has heard the same cry...

"SomeONE... Must Do... SOME-THING !!!!!..."

And knows that nothing will come of it.

In this period of time Zimbabwe, we do not have the leadership that we deserve... but then what are we going to do about this?

Tuesday, 6 May 2008

We are going to have peace even if we have to fight for it.

"I am talking of millions…who have been skilfully infected with fear, inferiority complexes, trepidation, servility, despair, abasement."
- Aime Cesaire, Discours sur le Colonialisme

The explosion will not happen today. It is too soon…or too late.
I do not come with timeless truths.
My consciousness is not illuminated with ultimate radiances.
Nevertheless, in complete composure, I think it would be good if certain things were said.
These things I am going to say, not shout.
For it is a long time since shouting has gone out of my life.

So very long…

Why write this…?

No one has asked me for it.
Especially those to whom it is directed.


Well, I reply quite calmly...there are too many idiots in this world.

And having said it, I have the burden of proving it…

Towards a new humanism…

Understanding among men…

Mankind I believe in you…

To understand and to love…

From all sides dozens and hundreds of pages assail me and try to impose their wills on me.
But a single line would be enough.
Supply a simple answer and the …problem would be stripped of all importance.

What does a man want?
What does the black man want?

At the risk of arousing the resentment of my… brothers, I will say that the black man is not a man.

There is a zone of non-being, an extraordinarily sterile and arid region, an utterly naked declivity where an authentic upheaval can be born. In most cases, the black man lacks the advantage of being able to accomplish this descent into a real hell.

Man is not merely a possibility of recapture or of negation. If it is true that consciousness is a process of transcendence, we have to see too that this transcendence is haunted by the problems of love and understanding.

Man is a "yes" that vibrates to cosmic harmonies. Uprooted, pursued, baffled, doomed to watch the dissolution of the truths he has worked out for himself one after another, he has to give up projecting onto the world an antimony that coexists with him.

The black is a black man; that is, as the result of a series of aberrations of affect, he is rooted at the core of a universe from which he must be extricated.

The problem is important…

The man who adores the Negro is as sick as the man who abominates him…what is to be done is to set man free.

These truths do not have to be hurled in men’s faces, they are not intended to ignite fervour…

And contempt for man….

In an age when skeptical doubt has taken root in the world, when in the words of a gang of salauds it is no longer possible to find the sense of non-sense, it becomes harder to penetrate to a level where the categories of sense and non-sense are not yet invoked.
The black man wants to be white. The white man slaves to reach a human level.
We shall seek to ascertain the directions of this… narcissism and the motivations that inspire it.
Concern with the elimination of a vicious circle has been the only guideline for my efforts.

-Frantz Fanon, ‘Black Skin White Masks’-

"War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself."

~ John Stewart Mill~

"Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed."

~ Mao Tse-Tung (1893 - 1976)~

"It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace--but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"

~ Patrick Henry March 23, 1775~

Saturday, 3 May 2008

The Structure of Change...Part 2 - Cohesion

The presence or absence of cohesion or unity among change movements, always has a profound effect on the development and outcome of any resulting insurgency / change process.

The problem of disunity can prove particularly worrisome for any groups trying to offset an entrenched incumbency. The chances of success are slim when parties are rent by factionalism.

The responsibility for different tasks can be delegated to local commanders; however a need for a central command to direct policy, formulate structures of discipline, monitor the unit’s code of ethics and ideology and give a sense of strategy and direction is essential.

Without guiding principles and a strategic direction, cadres often become lost and sometimes die in vain. Strength means nothing without a plan, and weakness can be negated with a good plan.

The issue is to avoid any useless waste.

Without a coordinating factor or an ever present sense of a functional and efficient command...little will be achieved by the cadres, who may, as some unfortunate examples have show, become little more than roaming armed bands who exist without any real cause and without any support from the people.

The Structure of Change... Part 1 - Scope and Complexity.

In previous posts the ETHOS of the insurgency was explained, here and in the next two parts some points will be presented regarding the structure of the insurgency. The failure to challenge the OPFOR regime thus far, has been due to the fact that the structres and mindset of the opposition were not created or geared to fulfill the specific task at hand.

The ability of insurgent movements to compensate for the material superiority of their opponents by acquiring popular and external support is closely related to their organizational skills.

As an insurgency is more a political phenomenon than a military one, keep in mind the great amount of time and effort insurgents devote to organization, either on the elite level, if it is selective, or the mass level if it is one based on mobilization.

Three structural dimensions – scope, complexity and cohesion and two functions – instrumental services and channels for expressive protest are to be noted.

In Part 1 the focus will be - scope, complexity and quality of organisation.


This refers to the numbers and kinds of people across the ‘political spectrum’; playing key roles in the movement, or provide support.

Complexity (parallel government)

The way the various arms of the insurgency are coordinated, military, political, economic and social. The greater the quality and complexity of the structure, (inclusive of front organisations, full and part time units) the more this allows insurgents to influence popular support and support the psycho social demands of the host population, taking advantage of any opportunities for success and any OPFOR weaknesses.

The progress of any insurgency facing a resolute OPFOR is based upon the quality of organisation. Whether support materializes is based upon this simple fact. Without a firm network internally and externally failure is assured, the reliance upon a small cell that ignores wider complexity ignores the strength of the OPFOR and the nature of the environment and its many challenges.

Individuals fail due to isolation; scattered pockets of dissent fail because there is no depth of support. A centralized command / organization structure that standardizes the movements into a cohesive force with a unified sense of direction and integrated plans and a shared grand strategy levels the playing field against the OPFOR and allows the full potential of the guerrilla movement to be used.

The support from the population must be earned never assumed. 90% passive approval translates to only 10% active support.

The OPFOR, are not inept, nor are they significantly disunited (contrary to propaganda and popular media reports). They are highly sophisticated and motivated by desperation to hold onto their status and material comforts; their allies are motivated by the chance to snatch Zimbabwe's resources and infrastructure.

Countering their influence with poor attitudes, poor analysis, poorly conceived policies and contradictory plans will only result in total failure.

Lack of properly functioning networks on the ground and externally will lead to wrong and fatal assessments of the reality of the conditions. Popular support for change may come from areas that are full of people who are unhappy but also too scared thus not active. The assessment must be able to separate between those who are merely ‘upset’ and those who are ‘upset and ready for action’.

Failure is not an option.

Friday, 2 May 2008

Why Were Teachers Murdered?

The ability to inspire thought, to give knowledge and show others how to quest for a sacred gift.

There exist few things in the realms of the human experience that enhance us, while reminding us of our duty and responsibility to all that we interact with, like learning.

The reported death of two teachers on 01/05/08...has weighed heavily.

Not because their lives were more precious in terms of human worth than the lives of any who have suffered and died, all those lives had value and were sacred.

But simply because of what they did.

What the term teacher, represents... and the way they were murdered...both beaten to death.

The mark of progress of any nation rests in the way people within that nation value knowledge...

Zimbabweans are so proud of the fact that they can boast of one of the most highly educated populations in the world; while in Africa and elsewhere, education is considered a vital means to unlocking opportunity and progress and a gaining a better life.

So what does it mean when those tasked with holding and dispensing of the knowledge of a nation are so poorly served, that they can be beaten to death for the dishonest, grasping ambitions of politicians and their hired thugs.

The concept of 'the teacher' is one respected globally almost as much as mother, or father.

It is a far more real and sacred concept than the current idea of 'the all powerful, dear leader' that some dysfunctional people within our midst would have us believe should be the paramount national thought.

Without conduits of learning how will any nation have access to its past, its present or a future?

To retain an addictive and corrupting earthly power that fades with the passage of time, the OPFOR regime have made targets of those people among us who make it possible for us as a human race to 'live forever', due to the role they play as dispensers of our truth: information regarding our past, present and future...the ideas that allow us to aspire to greater things.

We at theZIMBABWEinsurgency cannot over emphasie our sadness at the implications of these acts of orchestrated state terrorism.

The very fact that in the OPFOR version of Zimbabwe teachers are considered an enemy worthy of murder, rather than valued members of our society worthy of the utmost respect, highlights the very reason why the OPFOR regime has no useful national function and must be removed.

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"I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire. The man who controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire and I control the British money supply."...Nathan Rothschild [1777~1836] Financier, Founder of Rothschild banking dynasty

"...what foolery to be toasting an 'independent press.' We are tools, and the vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are jumping-jacks. They pull the strings and we dance. Our time, our talents, our lives, our possibilities, all are the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes"...John Swinton Chief Editorial Writer of the New York Times when asked to toast an 'Independent Press'

The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. [T]he capacity to assert social and political control over the individual will vastly increase. It will soon be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and to maintain up-to-date, complete files, containing even most personal information about the health or personal behavior of the citizen in addition to more customary data. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities."...Zbigniew Brzezinski 'Between Two Ages'
